Chapter 28

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You slept late into the following day, the sun was high in the sky when Saera roused you from a dreamless sleep with the promise of a hot breakfast on its way. You could see the way she did a double take on your hair but she said nothing, nor did you.

Rhaenyra arrived not long after and as she sat you down at the small table in your new chambers, she slowly began to fill in the blank pages of what had transpired since your imprisonment. The night they were dispatched back to Dragonstone King Viserys passed in his sleep. Upon his passing, Alicent Hightower had all but launched into action and crowned Aegon before the masses. When word reached Rhaenyra the stress set her into early labor in which she lost the babe. A little girl she named Visenya. Four days ago there was a coronation  on Dragonstone.

Four days ago she became Queen of the seven kingdoms.

Four days ago she had ordered Ser Erryk to take several men and infiltrate the Red Keep to retrieve you before execution.

"I know, it is a lot to process. Much has happened since we last had a conversation. I would have visited last night but Jace informed me that you were asleep."

"I'm sorry I wasn't here Your Grace. I should have been."

Rhaenyra leaned forward in her seat, grabbing your hands from across the table. "Do not apologize. It is I who should be asking for forgiveness. I never wanted to leave you in that place but we were being threatened—"

"And you did not want any harm coming to your children. I understand." You smiled.

For the past several years you had grown to look up to Rhaenyra as if she were your own mother. Sometimes you wished she was. Your own mother was not the most caring and understanding of people. She despised the fact that your father had taught you to fight. And she despised the fact that he didn't marry you off to some other wealthy lord in the Reach.

"I have something for you." Waving a hand at a servant standing in the doorway, the boy rushed over with a box in his hands before carefully handing it to the Queen with a deep bow. Rhaenyra smiled once more as she slid it onto the table.

"What is it?"

"Open it. It's a gift."

Glancing from her and then to the box you carefully slid it closer to you before slowly opening it. The contents inside making your eyes widen in shock as you choked on air.

Within was a beautiful set of black leather armor, the leather having been cut and sewn to mimic the look of dragonscales. On one shoulder sat the Targaryen emblem and on the other sat the Fox of her own house. Tucked beneath it was a deep crimson cloak that almost looked black in the light of her chambers.

"Your Grace—"

"Your position as my hidden protector was compromised when the Greens saw what you were capable of. Your title as my servant and ward has been stripped."

"Forgive me. I should not have done what I did—"

"From this moment forth you are a member of my court and one of my Queens Guard."

Hands falling from the outfit in your hands you looked up at the Queen in shock.

"Your Grace I cannot accept that. I messed up. I was supposed to stay a secret-"

Rhaenyra rose from her seat, hands folding in front of her. "Sometimes paths change my dear. It would be one of my greatest honors to have you at my side when I take the throne."

Rising to meet her, you placed the gift back into its box. "All due respect your Grace, but the Greens presume me dead. What will they do when they hear I am alive?"

"They won't. Those who are loyal to me here on Dragonstone have all sworn to secrecy. You are safe and the greens will not come looking for you. Not even Aemond."

At the mere mention of his name, you felt the hairs on your arms and neck stand on end.


It almost made you laugh at the thought of him thinking you were dead. You wished you could see his reaction. If the idiot really did care about you he was probably going insane at the moment.


Let him go mad. Let him know what it feels like to lose something precious.

"Why don't you try it on and go for a walk. Some sunlight could do you some good." Rhaenyra added, caressing your cheek for a moment. "And I have the blacksmiths still working on a metal breastplate and pauldrons  for you as well. It will match the rest of my Queens Guard."

"Thank you your Grace. You are too kind." You smiled, giving her a deep bow as she left your chambers.

It was good to be home.

Maybe here you could forget the stupid mistakes you had made back in Kings Landing.


"I had the idea to add your house crest to the uniform."

"Oh did you?" You mused, arms folded behind your back as you walked side by side with Jace across the ramparts of Dragonstone, the crimson cape dragging ever so slightly across the stones behind you.

You had put it on shortly after the Queen departed your chambers. Saera returned not long after, gushing over the outfit as she braided one side of your hair back tightly.

The only thing that could have fully pulled the whole look together was that sword that Aemond had gifted to you before throwing you to his family like a piece of meat.

What a shame.

You would have liked that sword back.

"You have been awfully quiet."

"I've been deep in thought, is that a crime now too?" You spoke, casting your eyes west towards Blackwater bay. Somewhere out there was Aemond.

"It is unlike you." Jace spoke casually, following you down a set of steps as he did. "You're usually filled to the brim with words. When you are quiet I know you are up to something."

Jace wasn't wrong. You were known to have a constant flow of words coming out of you. But your mind remained elsewhere.

And by elsewhere you meant Aemond.

Ever since you had returned to the island you had tried so hard to get Aemond from your mind but he was like a plague. You could not rid him from you no matter how hard you tried.

Gods, you needed to change the subject.

You looked momentarily over to Jace before looking forward once more, "Something is different about you as well."

You didn't notice the panic that quickly swept across his face at your words. "What? No, unfortunately I am the same as always."

"Incorrect. You practically haven't left my side at all since Kings Landing. You're hovering. I know you're worried Jace but you need not be."

"I only wish to see you safe." Jace spoke, the poor boy panicking on the inside at the thought of you having figured him out.

Was he being that obvious?

"I can protect myself Jace, you know this. What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger."

Jace folded his arms behind his back, eyes watching you as you walked. "I would much prefer if you avoided scenarios that could result in death to begin with."

You halted in your tracks, cape swishing slightly as you turned to look at him with an endearing smile. "Jace, you know who I am. I run towards danger like a moth to flame. But thank you, know that I appreciate you and your words more than you know." And with that you leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss to his cheek. "I will see you later."

As you walked off you left a red faced Jacaerys in your wake

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