Chapter 13

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Rhaenyra had been kind enough to help you into the dress, lacing the back along with the sleeves for you. And for a moment you felt like you once again a young girl back at Brightwater, readying for a day out with her father walking the Honeywine River.
But this time you were getting ready for a day besides the future queen of Westeros.
Strange how life changed like that.
It had taken everything in you to remain calm as you walked besides the Princess down the vast corridor leading to the western courtyard. You saw servants do double takes along with several guards.
Though you weren't entirely sure whether it was because they recognized you or they didn't. Either way it made your stomach do a flip. You had gotten used to attempting to blend in and not be noticed too much, but now you stuck out like sore thumb and you weren't sure if you were alright with that.
With your spine as straight as a board and your hands folded neatly behind your back, your raised your chin. Act like you belong.
No time for fuck ups.
It was only when you momentarily caught the eyes of Ser Criston did your regal posture faltered for a moment. He was watching you closely, and he clearly recognized you from earlier.
"Rhaenyra." The Queens voice pulled your attention from her attack dog as she walked into view. ". . . And—"
The pause in her voice and change in her face gave you all the information you needed to know.
She wasn't expecting you to be here.
At least not like this.
"Your Grace." Sweeping your leg behind you, you dipped into a low and regal bow, silently thanking your childhood septa for being so hard on you to be a perfect lady.
"I asked Lady Florent to dine with us as my ward this afternoon, she is much more than meets the eye." Rhaenyra spoke, sending you a smile from besides you.
You watched the muscles twitch in the Queens face ever so slightly as she tried to go along with the surprise the princess had thrown at her.
". . . Of course. Forgive me, I sometimes forget you come from a noble house yourself. That is improper of me."
"It's quite alright Your Grace. I'm just honored to be here and get the chance to dine with you." Plastering on a fake smile, you give her a small bow of your head.
"Haelena spoke of you to me last night. She says you were quite kind to her yesterday."
Folding her hands in front of her, Alicent walked the three of you down the steps and towards the massive table just on the outskirts of the godswood.
"Kindness is what makes a proper lady. Your daughter has shown me immense kindness as well. I was honored to be in her company." Beyond Alicents shoulders you could see Haelena as you spoke of her, the young princess kneeling in the grass just beyond the table, her mind elsewhere.
"I'm sorry I'm late mother. The dragon-keepers are a complete waste when it comes to Vhagar."
Gods help you. Why did he always appear in the most random of moments?
Keeping your expression neutral, you turned around along with the Queen and Rhaenyra, watching as Aemond strode down the steps you had just descended yourself.
Aemonds steps faltered.
What were you doing here?
He wasn't expecting you to be here. . . And especially not looking so—
"Prince Aemond." You gave him an sweet smile as you dipped once more into a deep bow. "It is an honor."
His own expression seemed much too soft, along with a mixture of surprise as he gazed at you. He almost seemed innocent in a way.
You had to admit, he was good at acting.
And he was incredibly quick to piece together the fact that you were not at Rhaenyras side as a handmaid. At least not today.
He continued to play his role to perfection as he stepped towards you before taking your hand and dipping down to press a kiss to the top of it. "My Lady, it is a pleasure."
"Aemond, where is your brother?" Alicents voice was quick to gain her sons attention as he straightened back up. "He is supposed to be joining us."
"Half drunk and passed out on the floor of his chambers. I would not get your hopes up for him attending." He explained, offering his hand to his mother as he led her to the table before you, pulling a chair out for her.
So there was his inner gentleman.
"I'm afraid Luke and Jace will not be joining us either. Daemon has them busy in the training yard." Rhaenyra added, sinking into her own chair as a servant pulled it out for her.
You almost choked on your own tongue when Aemond pulled out your own seat for you. It took everything in your power to not look at him wide eyed.
"Thank you My Prince."
Seven hells, acting as if you had only met the once was harder than you thought, especially with both the Queens and Princess Rhaenyras eyes on you.
The meal ended up being one of the most delicious things you had eaten since stepping foot in Kings Landing, thought with Aemond sitting across from you and Alicents judgmental glare, the food did not sit right in your stomach.
Throughout the meal the Queen pestered you with questions, making it seem less like a nice social gathering and more of an interrogation.
"How is it working at Dragon-stone for the Princess? It seems like a mighty big job."
From across the table, Aemond sent you and amused smile from over the lip of his cup, clearly wondering how you were going to answer. Gods, you wanted to send your foot up his crotch.
"I could not ask for anything better Your Grace. Being at the Princesses side these last few years has been a dream come true. Her kindness knows no bounds."
You swore you saw her roll her eyes in that moment.
"You are a noble lady yet you reside as her handmaiden. Why is that?"
You gave a quick glance towards your princess, clearly unsure how to answer.

"There are many ladies who come from wealth that become handmaidens Alicent, you know this." Rhaenyra spoke up, allowing you a sigh of relief. "And since I am helping to find a suitable match for her since her father no longer can, he has also fallen into the category of being under my care and therefore my ward."
"Of course, of course. I was merely curious." Alicent practically spoke the words into her goblet as she leaned back in her seat. "Aemond would you take Lady Florent on a tour of the gardens? I have some matters to discuss with my daughter in law."
Oh that vile cunt—
"Of course mother." Rising from his seat, Aemond made his way around the table, pulling your chair out for you once more and offering you his hand. You didn't want to take it but with the Queen watching you were forced to.
And then your arm was looped through Aemonds and you were walking away from the most uncomfortable meal you had ever had in your life.

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