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June 10, 2018
Diane's POV: Ringing filled the room and I turned my head seeing my phone light up. Marshall ventured off to check his phone and I grabbed mine seeing it was Greg. I quickly answered,


"Baby where are you. You told me you were getting off work early and your not home yet. Everything okay?"

"Yeah! I'm heading home now I'm sorry. I was hanging out with Chrystina for a bit. I didn't even see the time, I'm on my way!" I turned my head looking at the time. Greg is gonna know something's up.

"Okay, we'll just drive safe I'll see you soon. Bye." He replied and ended the call. I sighed and got up pulling on my undergarments. Marshall turned around seeing me frantic,

"Fuck! I gotta go." I groaned, pulling on the rest of my clothing quickly. I put my hair up in a bun and grabbed my purse.

"Where you goin? Don't you wanna spend the night?"

"I can't, I gotta go." I sighed grabbing my car keys.

"But why?"

"I just can't!" I spat, "I gotta go, I'll text you later. Have a good night." I sighed, passing him and slamming the door. Running down to the hotel elevator I dialed Chrystina's number,

"Hey D, what's up?"

"Chris, if Greg calls you and ask where I am, tell him I'm on my way home and that we were drinking and hanging out." I breathed heavily,

"Okay.... Is everything alright?"

"Yes, I'll explain later. I'll see you Monday, bye." I sighed and ended the call. The elevator dinged and I went towards the front desk, handing in my card.

"The name that's under the hotel room is paying for my stay. Don't charge me." I spat and fumbled with my car keys. They nodded and I walked out. I got into my car and headed home.

Once I pulled into the driveway I shot Marshall a quick text,
[To Marshall]
[Im sorry  I had to leave so abruptly. I will see you soon, have a good night.]

I groaned and rubbed my head. She just got up and left, no explanation or nothing. I replied,

[Thanks, you too.]

I got out of my car and shut the door, looking down at his reply. I felt terrible, I walked out on him. I didn't want him to feel used, even though I'm going to be using him for my own pleasure. I sighed and walked up to my front door, unlocking it and shutting it when I got in. I heard footsteps and made sure to zip up my sweatshirt, covering my chest.

"Hey! I'm glad you got home safe baby. How was work?" He asked slowly walking over to me from the living room, he kissed my cheek and I gave him a weak smile,

"It was good, I'm just tired." I kissed his cheek and set down my purse on the ground. "I think I'm just gonna head to bed baby."

"Well, don't you want dinner?" He asked rubbing my back gently. I shook my head,

"I'm not that hungry." I sighed and gave him a quick kiss. I interlocked my fingers with his, "Come on baby, let's go to bed." I tugged him towards our bedroom upstairs, him following behind me.
June 12, 2018

It has been a shitty last two days. Since hooking up with Marshall he hasn't texted me at all. I know I pissed him off because of walking out on him. But I have my own life, my life can't revolve around him. Greg still hasn't told me who he's working for, and at this point i'm getting annoyed, why can't he just tell me who he's working for? Is it that big of a deal?

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