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September 11, 2018
6 AM
Marshall's POV: I stayed with Diane for the night and flew out early today for an exclusive interview with Sway. I headed to Los Angeles to discuss my album 'Kamikaze,' how people have reacted, talking about hip hop in general, and other things. I shifted in my seat on the plane as Paul sat next to me on his laptop. I stared out the window watching the clouds disappear and reappear at times.

"I still can't believe Greg got into Diane's house. The police were fucking ridiculous." I sighed looking over at Paul.

"Yeah, that's pretty fucked up. I'm sorry you couldn't stay with her longer man. But you know we gotta be in Los Angeles soon. I felt bad coming to pick you up this morning." He replied shutting down his laptop.

"Why'd you feel bad?"

"Because I was a dick the other day. I'm sorry if I was acting rude, I just don't want you to get hurt. But she seems like a nice girl. I just don't want you to feel overwhelmed. But I can see you really do care about her." He smiled. "You guys compliment each other well."

I gave him a small smile, "Thanks Paul, I appreciate it. She's a pretty cool chick." I looked down at my phone and saw her name light up on my phone. I opened my messages and smiled at her text.

[From Di🤍]
[Good morning baby, thank you for staying with me last night. I'm so sorry about everything, I feel guilty that you had to protect me and stay over. I promise I'll make it up to you when you get back. I love you, be safe on your trip to LA. ❤️]

[To Di🤍]
[Baby, you ain't gotta apologize for nothin'! I got you. I'll see you when I get back. Call me if you need anything. I love you.]

I put my phone away and pulled out my notebook, scribbling some words down as I waited to land in LA.
12 PM
I sat down fixing my mic as I waited for Sway to come in for our interview. I saw cameras facing me and I took a deep breath. I hated having cameras in my face. I'm a very private person and since fame, I've had a lot of things aired out in the public. Disputes, my messy divorce, Deshaun passing, and my overdose. Since that, I've learned to be even more private, I respect my privacy and don't want my life perceived in a certain way. I've always had a hard time with fame, but over the years I've gotten used to it. Sway walked in and smiled at me. "You ready Em?"

I nodded and sat up, "Yeah, I'm ready." I replied and waited for the cameras to start recording. It started and I reached back behind my chair. "So sway, before we get started. Will you please sign this for me?" I handed over a vinyl of Sways music and a Sharpie. He let out a small chuckle,

"Oh shit! Damn, wow." He took the vinyl and looked at the cover. I leaned over,

"Yo, you look like a little kid. You were a kid there. That's crazy!" I commented as I watched him begin to sign it. He handed it back to me,

"Yo man your signature is so much better than mine. Thanks man." I took the vinyl and set it back down behind the chair.

"Damn man, you threw me off with that," Sway commented.

I let out a small chuckle, "I fucked up your whole shit?"

Sway shook his head. "Not really. Just impressed that you dug that deep into the crates man."

"I'm always digging in the crates," I replied leaning forward.

"So Kamikaze came out, you shocked the world the way you did it. What made you do it? Revival came out in 2017, that wasn't that long ago. Almost a year ago! What made you just drop it on the world the way you did?" He asked.

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