301 10 8

September 8, 2018
10 AM

Diane's POV: It was officially the weekend, Marshall and I had planned to spend time together and get the kids to meet me. And I was dreading it. No, not because they're his kids. I just don't want to make them feel even more uncomfortable than they already do. I feel horrible they had to find out from Paul but I knew it would happen at some point. I don't want them to feel like they have to like me and respect me. I know what I did and it was wrong. But I do love Marshall and want to be with him. So, if there is a way they can trust me at some point everything will be worth it. I got out of the shower heading downstairs in my robe, making myself something to eat. I got downstairs and heard a knock on my door. I sighed and walked to the foyer, slowly opening the door. I smiled seeing Chrystina. "Girl, what are you doing here?" I pulled her into a hug and felt her arms wrap around me.

"Well, I took some vacation time off work for a week. I needed a break from working so much and wanted to see you outside of work." She smiled walking in and going straight towards the kitchen. I shut my front door and followed her. "I'm sorry I didn't call but I wanted to see you." she leaned against the counter.

"Chrissy, you never have to call me to come over. My door is always open!" I giggled reaching into the fridge to grab a carton of eggs. "You hungry?"

"Starving." She smiled and went to my cabinets grabbing a cup and brewing herself coffee. "So, is tonight the big night?"

I nodded, spraying my pan and cracking a few eggs to cook. "Yeah, I'm dreading it. I know things aren't going to go well." I sighed. "I want them to like me, trust me, and know I do love their father. But, under the circumstances, it will be difficult. We had an affair, I wasn't loyal to my husband when I should've been. I don't want them thinking I'm just some random whore he picked up!"

"Di, I don't think his girls will act like they 'dislike' you. I just think it'll take some time to get used to everything. They know nothing about you! They are just going to have to get to know you to trust and like you. And they may like you! But just try and at least give them some time. You know how much he loves his kids. They're his entire life. Over than music." She sighed. "Don't think negatively. As long as you love Marshall, show them that you truly do love their dad then everything should be okay."

"I know... I just don't want to fuck up. I want everything to go well so I don't have to worry about anything." I sighed. "I don't want to be like Lexi."

Chrystina gave me a confused stare and let out a little chuckle. "What do you mean? You're nothing like her." She came closer and leaned against the counter staring me down. I turned down the stove,

"Marshall told me what happened when Lexi met his girls. She was acting so childish. She was trying to impress them by saying, 'Oh I'm a dancer! That's how me and your dad met, I strip.' trying to make them think like it's the best job I guess. He didn't tell me all of it but they were disgusted by her. Even his brother was. I just don't want to embarrass him." I grabbed a few plates and utensils setting them down on the counter to dish up.

"Well, that's what Lexi is. Childish. She's young. You're older and have so much more experience! You know what you're doing and you've never acted like your better than anyone. You treat your job as a 'job.' not some game. You dance your ass off, make bands, and tell men to fuck off." She giggled. "You're a bad bitch. A hard worker. Lexi is hard working but she's not responsible at all. You're responsible."

I gave her a small smile and let out a little snicker. "Well, it's not just giving married men lapdances, it's more than that. It's a job and you need to be the best of the best to make money. I learned it from you and the other girls." I winked. She smiled and kissed my cheek gently.

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