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August 3, 2018
Diane's POV:
I sat at my vanity at the club, applying mascara to my eyelashes. Music blared outside, as I sat in silence. Angry. Hurt. Conflicted. How could Lexi and Marshall be so petty? How could he play me like this? I know I hurt him, and I regret it. But he didn't have to do this to me. I feel he's put me in a horrible situation, he's dating one of my best friends! How am I able to watch the man I care about be with another woman when it's supposed to be me?

I was glad that Chrystina gave me two days off to just be alone, just to wait and see if Lexi would show up for her shift. I'm dreading being around her. I know once she gets into work I will go off on her, but I know I need to be silent. It's her life, she can choose how she lives it. I never heard back from Marshall after I had sent him that voicemail, which I don't intend to hear back at all. I put away my makeup and applied red lipstick to my lips to make my makeup pop. I sighed, grabbing my outfit for the night and beginning to undress. I heard a knock on the door and stopped, pulling my shirt back on. "Who is it?"

"It's Lexi! Can I come in?"

I took a deep breath, my fists clenching. "Come in," I replied, turning back around to face the mirror.

Lexi walked in with a wide smile on her face and her outfit for the night already on. "Hey girl! How have you been?" She exclaimed sitting on the couch watching me do makeup.

I turned my head furrowing my eyebrows without saying a word. "I just wanted to come and see you, I feel like we haven't caught up!" She added.

I scoffed, "Yeah we haven't." I replied standing up, walking towards the door, and making sure it was locked.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, her smile fading away. "What's up?" She fixed her posture, giving me her full attention. I let go of the doorknob and turned around,

"You really think you're just gonna walk in here and say 'what's up?' Just pretend like everything is fine?"

"Di, what are you talking about-"

"I know you're with Marshall." I snapped. "It wasn't hard to find out. Especially with your Instagram posts you posted."

"W-what? I didn't know I posted anything. When?" Her voice filled with nervousness. "I don't remember posting anything..."

I pulled out my phone, shaking my head as I scrolled through her Instagram page. I pressed on the post and handed it to her. "You serious?" I chuckled. "You don't fucking remember posting this?!"

She looked down and handed my phone back to me. I took it, scowling down at her. "I can't fucking believe you..." I mumbled. She stood up and shook her head,

"Why does it matter that I posted Marshall? You still want him?" She asked. I turned around and glared at her,

"I just didn't think you'd date someone I cared about deeply. Someone that I felt safe with." I argued. She stood in front of me, staring me down.

"Diane, you're married. You were having an affair. You cut him off completely! That's your own fault." She snapped. "He doesn't want you anymore. He made his choice."

I felt my entire body tremble, he doesn't want me. I stated her down. "I cared about him.."

"Didn't seem like it! He says differently!" She argued. "He would rather have me than you I'll tell you that."

My blood started to boil, "Yeah? He thinks he wants you?" I challenged. "You're young, he'll get tired of you at some point."

"Girl..." she crossed her arms and looked me up and down. "I got young pussy, he won't wanna leave that..." a wide smirk appeared across her face.

I became livid and my hand came up, slapping her hard across the face. She gasped and I pushed her backwards. "Get out, now."

"You really wanna fuck with me Di? I don't think that's a good idea bitch." Lexi threatened.

"Get the fuck out of my room!" I yelled. "You're messing with the wrong bitch Lexi."

She shook her head and walked towards the door. She stopped and turned around before opening the door. "You're old Diane, no one wants you." She gave me an evil smirk and slammed the door. I shook my head, sitting back down at my vanity. I stared down at the ring on my finger. Not even my husband wants me.
August 4, 2018
11 am

I called out of work, telling Chrystina I wasn't feeling good even though I was completely fine. She hasn't found out what happened last night with me and Lexi's argument. Once I had gotten home last night I went to bed and didn't even talk to Greg. He left early this morning for work, not even saying goodbye to me. I've felt alone, depressed, and angry with myself. My phone dinged and I checked it, seeing it was a text from Marshall. I sighed opening up the text,

[You don't have to answer at all. You've probably already blocked my number, but I wanted to say I'm truly sorry. I hurt you, we hurt each other. Me and Lexi got into a heated argument about the post from Instagram. I didn't even know about it until I got your voicemail, didn't even remember when she took them. I miss you, I'm sorry Di. I'd love to talk to you if you're free, just you and me alone. Let me know. -M.]

I sunk even more into my bed, holding my phone close to my chest. I don't even know what to say to him, what to think of our situation. We've fucked up, I didn't think I cared about him. When he expressed his feelings I pushed them away, I didn't know how to comprehend it. I didn't want to think about us being together. That we wouldn't be able to figure it out. But I've realized I truly want him, I love him.

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