314 13 5

September 1, 2018
9 AM
Diane's POV: I left the guest room heading downstairs seeing Marshall on the couch. I smiled and leaned against the doorway. He seemed incredibly stressed, body was tensed up, I walked over and sat on the couch, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Good morning," I smiled. He sighed and turned his head, giving me a weak smile,

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?" He asked running his fingers through my hair.

"I slept good, how'd you sleep?"

"I slept ok, I had a lot on my mind last night." he sighed standing up. "I made breakfast it's in the microwave for you. I have to head out to the studio later tonight, Paul and I are having a meeting. When are you heading home?"

I checked my phone seeing the time. "I'll probably stay for a few hours, then I'll head home. Unless you'd like me to head home early?"

He shook his head, "No not at all!" He turned the tv off. "You know you can stay as long as you want, I don't mind. But I'll be a little busy today since I have a few interviews coming up. Just have to get everything settled."

I smiled, "Well I'll stay out of your way and have breakfast. You do what you need to do." I stood up and kissed his cheek. "Let me know if you need anything okay?"

He nodded, "Thanks Di. Same to you, I'll drive you home when you're ready." He smiled and headed downstairs toward his basement. I sighed and headed into the kitchen to have breakfast.
2 PM

I brought down my suitcase from upstairs and set it down near the front door, pulling on my sweatshirt. Marshall walked up behind me and gave me a small smile, "You ready to head home?"

"Yeah." I smiled nervously. "I'm just nervous to be back home," I replied grabbing my suitcase. He opened the door and kissed my forehead,

"Everything will be okay. I promise. And if you need anything just call me, I'll be there," he smiled and helped me down his steps, heading towards his car. He got my suitcase in the back and I got into the passenger side, waiting for him to get in. He got inside and we started driving away. One hand gripped the steering wheel and the other rested on my thigh, rubbing it gently. I placed my hand on his and he gave me a small smile while driving. "Have you heard more about the divorce? Has he done a complaint?"

I nodded, "I heard from my lawyer he has. Now we just have to schedule a pre-trial to discuss everything, who gets the estate, if it's divided up,"

"You think he'll fight for the estate? It's under your name. You bought it," he replied.

"Well, my lawyer said there is a 50% division in the estate. He gets half, I get half is what will probably happen." I sighed. "He'd be messing with the wrong person if he fights for the estate."

Marshall nodded and sighed. "If you need help with anything I am here. I've been through this shit before. It's not fun but once it's finalized, you'll feel free."

"I know I will. Thank you for everything." I leaned over kissing his cheek. "I owe you a lot."

"Nah, you don't have to owe me anything. I care about you. I got your back ma." He smirked as we pulled into my driveway. He turned his head toward me, "You ready?"

I looked towards my front door and nodded, "I guess so." I chuckled and got out of the car, grabbing my suitcase. He shut his door and walked me towards my front door. "I'll call you later tonight Aight?"

I nodded, "Okay, be safe." I smiled and opened my front door and shut it. Silence filled my ears once I walked inside. I'm finally alone. It felt eerie, I went into the kitchen to grab a drink and headed upstairs, bringing my suitcase into my room. I walked into my room and sat on the end of my bed, looking around and seeing pictures snatched from the frames. I walked towards my dresser, opening the top drawer to a little box. I opened it seeing my wedding ring and engagement ring. My fingers traced along the diamonds. I held the rings in my hand and walked towards my bay window, opening the window up. I threw my rings out into the yard and sighed. I slammed the window and headed downstairs for a glass of wine.
9 PM

I sat up as I heard a door slam, my hand immediately going towards my chest. I breathed heavily and got out of bed, heading towards my bedroom door. I opened it slightly, looking back and forth at my hallways. "Who's there!" I yelled as I stepped out into the hallway. I began walking downstairs, holding my phone in my hand, ready to dial 911 if needed. I headed into the kitchen, but no one was there. I looked towards my back sliding door, towards the backyard. I walked towards the door and checked to see if it was fully locked. Locked. I slowly turned around and headed towards my front door, opened it up, and went out onto my porch. No one. I sighed and shut the door. I have to be hearing shit. I rubbed my head and began walking back to my room, then the lights lit up in the living room. My heart dropped. I turned my head and saw Greg sitting in our reclining chair, staring me down.

"Didn't expect me to come home did you?" He let out a small chuckle. "Sit." He demanded.

"Why the fuck are you here? You should be at the hotel," I asked beginning to walk into the living room. I stood in front of him and he stood up, towering over me.

"I think we have some things to discuss..." he spoke softly. "I'm gonna ask you one more time; sit."

I crossed my arms and sat down on the couch, he sat down on the chair and hummed softly. He pulled off his wedding band and slid it on the coffee table. "You know, I've been hearing rumors from Lexi... I've ignored them because I didn't think badly of you. Didn't think you could ever betray me. I thought she was talking crazy Di. But she wasn't..."

I leaned forward glaring at him. "What are you talking about?" My hands beginning to sweat.

He sighed and stood up. "I knew you were gonna say that..." he crossed his arms and stood in front of me. "Lexi told me about you and Marshall."

I rolled my eyes and stood up, "She's crazy. She just assumes shit, Greg." I sighed and walked towards the fireplace, turning it on.

"I said that too. Until I confronted Marshall." He spat. I felt my body tremble. He went to him? I turned around to face him,

"He told you?" I choked out.

He nodded, "I knew you had something for him. He was always looking at you, always wanted your attention." He sighed. "He always asked about you when I'd come into work. I didn't suspect anything. I just thought he was being nice. But he was fucking my wife!"

I stayed silent as he walked towards me, grabbing my arm. "Does he fuck you better than I do?"

I shivered at his touch and tried to push him away, "Let go of me..." I whispered.

"Does he make you cum? Does he make you feel good Diane? Did I ever make you feel good?" He growled. He grabbed both of my arms, pinning me up against the wall. I whined and tried to push him away,

"P-please let me go Greg..." I whined, feeling tears trail down my cheeks.

"He told me how long you guys were fucking. Almost 4 months." He growled. "You were fucking him before he was even my boss. He came to the club..."

I finally pushed him off of me, making him stumble backward. "Fuck you!" I yelled, heading towards the foyer. He ran after me and threw me against the wall, frames falling off the wall, and glass spreading across the floor. He huffed, pinning my arms above my head.

"Tell me it's true! Tell me, Diane!" He yelled. I winced and turned my head seeing his hand come close to my cheek.

"It's true!! I cheated on you.." I sobbed. "I... it's true..."

He took a look deep breath and let go of me, backing away. I slid down to the floor, sobbing and pulling my knees into my chest, he bent down towards me.

"Now I see why your dad left you and your mom. She raised a whore. Like mother like daughter..." he spat. He stood up and headed out the door, slamming it, making the entire house shake. I grabbed my phone, my hands trembling as I searched for Marshall's number. He answered on the second ring,

"Diane..." he whispered.

"H-he found out. He came to my house.." I sobbed.

"He what?!" He raised his voice. "Are you okay!?"

I sobbed into the phone uncontrollably, not being able to speak. I covered my mouth, trying to hold in my cries.

"I'm on my way, stay there, and don't move!" He yelled into the phone and hung up. I leaned my head back, looking up at the ceiling, waiting for Marshall's arrival.

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