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September 13, 2018
5 AM
Marshall's POV: I held Diane in my arms, close to my chest as she sobbed into me. I had gotten back home early than expected and wanted to surprise her. Yes, it was 4 AM when I saw she pulled up, I couldn't sleep! I was so excited to see her. I felt like a little kid on Christmas Day. I lifted her chin and saw her lip had a pretty good bruise on it, and a small cut. "Baby, how did this happen? What do you mean Lexi did this?" I asked rubbing her back. She leaned against the counter, trying to catch her breath.

"She was working tonight-We don't have enough people since a few girls- called out." She whimpered, wiping her tears away. "I had put my tips under my vanity in a bag and left to go do a few more dances. I came back and half of it was gone.."

"How much was gone?" I crossed my arms standing next to her.

"$200 out of my tips. I went looking for her and found my tips on her couch. I went to confront her and we got into a fight." She replied. "Chrystina told me to leave and she would talk to Lexi. I haven't heard back from her..."

I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jeans, shaking my head in disgust. "God, she's a filthy bitch!"

"What if I lose my job?" She whimpered. "I-I can't lose my job!" She slowly began to sink on the floor but I grabbed her before she could. I shushed her gently and kissed her forehead.

"Baby, that ain't gonna happen. Not on my watch. And Chrystina can't fire you. You've done nothing wrong! Lexi caused all of this." I replied and ran my fingers through her messy hair. "We can deal with this later. It's 5 in the morning. Let's go to bed okay?"

She sniffled and pulled away from me. "Okay.." she took my hand and we headed upstairs going to bed.
10 AM

Slowly, I rolled over looking at the window seeing raindrops hit the window. I slowly sat up, rubbing the back of my neck. I turned to look at Diane, seeing she was fast asleep. I smiled, placing a kiss on her cheek. I got out of bed and headed downstairs. I went into the kitchen beginning to make breakfast for me and Diane. I turned on some music, keeping it low so it wouldn't wake her up. I took about a week and a half off just to relax and be with Diane and my kids. That's all I wanted at the moment. I cracked eggs into a pan and began scrambling them. I heard footsteps and smiled, seeing Diane leaning in the doorway.

She walked towards me wearing a silk red robe, her hair in a ponytail. Her arms wrapped around my waist, her head resting on my shoulder. I planted a small kiss on her forehead, then stared down at her bruised lip. There was a small cut on the bottom of her lip, it wasn't too deep so I knew she didn't need stitches. I cupped her face gently, "Does it still hurt?"

"A little, I took ibuprofen so the pain is slowly going ok." She sighed. "Do I look bad?"

"No baby, you look beautiful as always." I smiled, "You're just a little bruised but you look good ma." I pulled her in close and she smiled. I pulled away and grabbed two plates and placed two eggs on her plate, with bacon and toast.

"Thank you baby, you didn't have to make breakfast." She smiled taking the plate from me, sitting down at the dining table. I grabbed my plate and smiled sitting across from her.

"Of course, I wanna make sure you're fed." I chuckled. I took a few bites of eggs and sipped on my cup of water. "So, have you heard from Chrystina yet?"

"Not yet. I'm going to call her soon. I'm just worried about what she's gonna say to me." She replied. "She could fire Lexi, but I don't know if she will.

"Are they still friends?" I asked. "Are they still as close as before?"

"Not anymore, once she started dating you... Me and Chrystina got distant and didn't want nothing to do with her drama." She sighed. "I know Chrystina would probably be overjoyed to fire Lexi but I don't think it'll happen."

"Why don't you think so? Do you think she'll do something?" I leaned forward.

"I feel like she might tell everyone about me and you. Start even more drama with everything that has been going on." She took a few more bites of her eggs and stood up taking her plate. "Not like that matters, but she might plead to stay." She called out from the kitchen. I stood up and took my plate into the kitchen.

"Well, she better be fired. She had no right putting her hands on you. That shit ain't right!" I replied placing my dish in the dishwasher. "I'll make sure she gets fired okay?"

She gave me a small chuckle and sighed. "Marshall you don't have to fire her. You have no authority there, you can't fire someone that doesn't work for you."

"We'll, I'll make sure she gets fired! I'll do somethin' about it." I argued. "I can't let her do that shit to you. She has no right." I placed my hand on her waist and pulled her in. "I am never gonna let anything happen to you."

"Thank you, baby." She kissed my cheek and ran her fingers down my chest. "I will figure everything out. I don't need you worrying about me." She pulled away from me and went to the fridge getting a water bottle out. I leaned against the counter and watched her smiling at her.

"Well while we wait to hear back from Chrystina, why don't we spend some time together. Maybe get out of the house and go somewhere else for a few days." I smiled. "Just you and me."

She giggled and stared at me, "But you never take vacation. You said you never really liked being away from home." She walked towards me. Well, she wasn't wrong. I liked being a homebody, but I know sometimes it's good to get out. And maybe a change of scenery will do us both good.

"I know, but maybe we can just go out and be somewhere else for a few days. Get away from all the drama." I replied. "We don't have to go far, maybe an hour or so away. Or we could go somewhere farther. What do you think about that baby?"

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me in. "Lemme think about it and see where we could go. I guess it would be nice to get out."

"We need the break, especially you." I chuckled. "There's been too much going on. We could go somewhere tropical, somewhere warm." I smiled. "I've been dying to see you in a bikini."

She giggled and rolled her eyes playfully. She leaned in kissing me deeply and I pulled her in, kissing back. My hands slid down her back, lifting her robe a little, showing her ass to me. I slapped her cheek and she smirked kissing me deeply. "You're an ass."

"I know." I chuckled.
September 13, 2018
8 PM

I leaned back on the couch next to Diane, cuddling up against her. I had decided to spend another night just to make sure she needed to be with someone. I didn't like leaving her alone. I know what it's like to be alone in your own house, with no kids, no one else, just yourself in one big empty house. It's depressing. I pulled her close to me as she rested her head on my shoulder, taking small breaths, as she began to fall asleep. I held her close and ran my fingers through her hair smiling. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps. I suddenly heard a phone buzz and checked my pocket. Nothing appeared on my phone, sat up and leaned forward to the coffee table, seeing Diane's phone lit up. I grabbed it seeing it was a text from Chrystina.

[From Chrissy🤍]
[Hey Di, I'm sorry I didn't text you or call last night. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for what Lexi did. She's fired. She's officially done, she got her stuff today and left. I don't know where she's headed but she won't be workin' at the club anymore. THANK GOD. But I want you to rest for a week. Take a break! You deserve it. Me and the rest of the girls got it. You go take some time to yourself and be with your man. I love you. Call me later!]

I smiled down at her phone and felt Diane's hand on my shoulder. "Did Chrystina text?" She asked sleepily. I nodded and handed her phone to her.

"Lexi's officially fired." I smiled. "She's gone, you ain't gotta worry about her now." I leaned over kissing her cheek. She smiled sleepily and texted Chrystina back. She put her phone away and pulled me in closer,

"I love you so much. Thank you." She smiled and connected her lips to mine. We kissed for a long moment then she pulled away. "Let's go to Antigua for vacation. I've always wanted to go there."

I smiled, "Then will go to Antigua. Pack your bags, baby, we're going on vacation."

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