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July 3, 2018
Diane's POV:

My toes melted into the sand as I walked down towards the water, margarita in hand. Lexi and Chyrstina sat down in beach chairs, staring at the water. I smiled watching Lexi pull out a Long Beach towel for me to sit on.

"Thanks," I smiled as I carefully sat down holding onto my drink.

"No problem," she smiled, leaning back in her chair, taking in the beaming sunlight, I extended my legs out, letting them get a nice tan, watching the waves sway back and forth. It was calming to me, hearing the whoosh from each wave. I glanced down the beach, seeing a few men playing football, approximately in their early 40s. Lexi turned her head smirking,

"Those are some men," she winked. I giggled and rolled my eyes,

"Yeah, they're all good-looking." I smiled. I watched as one of them, threw the football our way almost hitting all of us. I saw the look on the man's face as he jogged towards us. He picked up the ball quickly,

"Holy shit! I'm sorry girls. I didn't think I threw it that far," he chuckled. He was tall light skin, possibly Puerto Rican mixed with Italian. Good looking, but not my type. Lexi was head over heels looking at him. I spoke up,

"Well, it's a football. It goes pretty far." I commented, taking a long sip of my drink.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "Didn't think It would go that far." He turned to his buddies and threw the ball toward them. "How can I make it up to you girls? Can I get you guys any drinks? They're on me."

Chrystina leaned forward, beginning to talk but I cut her off. "I think we're fine, thank you," I replied. He nodded looking over at Lexi and Chrystina, licking his bottom lip.

"Alright, well I will leave you girls alone. Again, I apologize!" He smiled, "Have a good day." He began walking off. I looked over at Chrystina and she rolled her eyes playfully,

"I was tryna get some dick and you ruined it!" She giggled. I pushed her playfully and smiled,

"Girl we all got enough dick in our lives. We don't need more." I giggled, she laughed and shoved me back.

"Oh shush!" She giggled, getting out of her chair to sit down next to me. She wrapped her arms around me, her ebony skin glowing as the sun hit her. "How are you feeling?"

I took a long sigh, "I feel good. Refreshed. I'm excited to go home Thursday, just to be home." I smiled, "Finally see my husband,"

"What about Marshall?" Lexi asked, "Are you wanting to see him when you go back home?"

"I haven't spoken to him at all. He texted me saying he hoped I was having a good time. But I never answered, left him on read." I replied. "I don't think it's a good idea to see him."

"You afraid you're gonna hook up again?" Chrystina chimed in.

"No, I just don't think I should see or talk to him at all. I need to push him away, he's nothing to me. Just a hook up." I replied standing up. "I'm gonna go back to the hotel room and order us some food, you girls coming?"

Lexi and Chrystina smiled standing up, following me back towards the hotel.
I crawled into bed later that night, looking through Marshall's Instagram posts and seeing he was on tour. Looking at the different places he was at. I sighed and got off Instagram, calling Greg. I missed my husband and wanted to be with him, just us two alone.

"Hey baby, how you doing?" He answered quickly and I smiled at the sound of his voice.

"Just finally laying in bed now, we had dinner a while ago and we all decided to head to bed. What are you doing?"

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