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June 22, 2018
Diane's POV: 
"Marshall!" I called out as I jogged after his car. I sighed watching him drive away. I groaned, stomping back towards my front door, and walked back inside slamming the door. Why is he so mad about what I said? I didn't mean it in a bad way at all. I just know that even if I get divorced, I still won't want to be in a relationship for a long time. I haven't thought of Marshall romantically at all. Well, maybe a few times but all we're doing is hooking up. No strings attached.

I sat down sighing, pouring a glass of red wine to ease my nerves. He has no right to be mad about me not wanting a relationship. It's my life and I get to choose. I leaned back, sipping from my wine glass, sighing. I'm pissed at Greg since he told him about my mom, it's my private life! No one needs to know what I've been through. I only wanted to move back to Detroit to try and reconnect with my mom, which hasn't worked at all. All I've wanted is a mom. Someone who would love and care for me, I never had that from my mom. I guess that might be why I fell in love with Greg. He's taken care of me, loved me, and made me feel wanted and loved. Like I'm special. But now, I don't feel special anymore.

June 28, 2018

I began folding my clothes, placing them into my suitcase. Organizing my bikinis and other clothing for vacation. I sighed, grabbing my makeup bag and placing it inside. I haven't talked to Marshall or my husband. Neither of them want to talk to me. I miss Marshall, my husband... not so much. I miss who he used to be. Marshall on the other hand is everything I've ever wanted. But now I've fucked it up, and I know I can't get him back. We're just hooking up. No strings attached.

I heard buzzing from my dresser and turned around seeing my phone light up. I walked towards my dresser grabbing my phone seeing Greg's number pop up. I hesitated, my thumb hovering over decline, even though I need to answer. "Hello?" I answered, putting him on speaker.

"Hey... can I come home a day early? I ran out of clothes for the time being and I need to wash them. I'll sleep in the spare bedroom." He asked.

I sighed and looked at the time. It was 3 in the afternoon. I guess he can come home early. "Yes, you can come home early. Just set your laundry in the basket in my room and I'll wash it for you."

"Diane you don't have to wash my clothes. I can-"

"Well as long as we're still married, I'm washing your clothes," I replied. "I'll see you when you get home." I immediately ended the phone call and continued to get things packed.

The front door slammed, making me jolt as I turned the shower on. I sighed, slowly undressing in the bathroom, pulling my shirt over my head. I turned to see Greg standing in the doorway, his eyes on me. I turned around to face him, reaching back to unclip my lace bra. His eyes remained on me, still not saying a word. I sighed pulling down my sweatpants and panties, "You just gonna stand there and not say anything?" I commented, glaring him down.

He walked towards me, cupping my face in his hands, his lips connecting to mine. My back pushed up against the wall, our tongues fought for dominance and he won. I grabbed at his jeans, unbuttoning and zipping them down. He kicked them off and pulled his underwear off, his cock springing forward. He pulled his shirt off and pulled me into the walk-in shower. I pushed him against the shower wall, my hands sliding up and down his chest. Steam filled the room, the glass fogging up. I slid down to my knees slowly, kissing the length of his shaft. He lifted my chin, shaking his head. "Get up." He demanded, helping me up. I stood up, his hands wrapping around my waist. He switched places with me, now I was against the wall.

He lifted one of my legs, my arms wrapped around his neck. I kissed and sucked on his neck, knowing there would be marks. He thrusted inside of me, making me let out a long whine, him filling me up. He kept a steady pace as I took his 6 inches, him hitting every spot. His fingernails dug into his back. My moans filled the room as he grunted, gripping onto me tightly. He went faster, making me cum quickly. His hand landed on my throat, squeezing tightly, but not enough to hurt me. I've never seen this side of him. Dominance. Roughness.

He turned me around, my ass pressed up against him, and he slid back in, gripping my hair, pulling my neck back. I moaned, trying to hold onto something, trying to steady myself. I bounced my ass on him, taking him deeper inside. His loud grunts and my moans filled the room, knowing our neighbors could probably hear. He kissed my neck, his thrusts becoming sloppy. "I'm gonna cum.." he growled and released seconds after. I reached over, turning the water off breathlessly. He pulled the out and got out of the shower handing me a towel. I stepped out, feeling wobbly. He dried himself off, wrapping a towel around his waist, pulling me in for a deep kiss. I kissed him back, then pulled away shaking my head,

"What the hell was that?" I asked, drying myself off.

"I needed to reclaim what was mine." He smiled and kissed my forehead. "We're gonna figure this out okay?"

I nodded slowly, "Okay." I gave him a weak smile and ventured back into our bedroom. But will we?
June 29, 2018

I checked the time on my phone seeing it was 8:35 AM. I sat on the couch waiting for Lexi and Chrystina to get here so we could all drive to the airport together. We had to be at the airport around 9:45 and get on around 10. I zipped up my suitcase and looked out the window seeing the girls pull up. I smiled and felt hands on my waist. I turned my head giving Greg a small smile. He kissed my cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too baby." I kissed him gently. I grabbed my keys and sighed, "I'll see you when I get home okay?" I whispered. "I'll let you know when I'm at the airport." I opened the door and began walking down our front steps. I turned around one last time, smiling at Greg. He waved and shut the door. I sighed walking towards Lexi's 2016 Lexus GS. I placed my suitcase in the trunk and got into the backseat, smiling at them. They glared at me. "What?" I asked.

"You two fix things?" Chrystina asked.

I sighed, "We're figuring things out."

"Better make up your mind on who you want Di..." Lexi commented.

I rolled my eyes and stared out of the window, our drive being silent. They're right, I need to make a decision.

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