343 13 9

July 19, 2018
5:00 PM
Marshall's POV:

"You ready to head out Em?" Curtis called out from the living room. I walked out of the kitchen, handing him a water bottle, and nodded. Curtis is in town for a week, we haven't seen each other in a while other than touring at times. He made the decision that we should go out to a club and just have fun. Personally, I'd rather stay inside and chill. But, I have company. And if he wants to go out, then we'll go out.

"Yeah I'm ready, let me grab my jacket and I'll meet you out in the car." I smiled handing him my keys. "You good to go start my car?"

"Sure! I'll meet you out there." He smiled and ventured out, shutting the door behind him. I sighed, going back upstairs to find my leather jacket. I felt my phone begin to buzz in my pocket, taking it out to see Lexi send me a text.

[Hey, I had fun the other night. I've been missing you, what you doin' later tonight?]

[To Lexi]
[Hey baby girl, I miss you too. I'm out with a friend tonight, he's in town and we're heading to a club right now. I might be free tomorrow night if you're free. Dinner at my place?]

[Sounds like a plan, I'll bring dessert 😏]

I let out a small chuckle as I grabbed my jacket from my closet. I headed back downstairs and met Curtis outside and we headed to the club. Once we got there, we went through the back and I looked around as music blared from the speakers. I took a deep breath and followed him towards V.I.P. and sat down on the leather lounge, seeing he grabbed a glass of champagne.

"You want anything Slim?" He asked taking a sip out of his glass. I shook my head,

"I'm okay for now, I'll get something later," I replied leaning back as I watched people on the floor. I bounced my knee up and down vigorously, praying for this night to go faster. A few dancers walked up to the both of us smirking at us as they held a bottle of wine.

"You boys lookin' to have some fun?" One of them asked, her eyes landing on me. I looked her up and down, she wore light black lingerie with fishnets as her black voluminous hair rested on her shoulders. I looked over at Curtis, glaring at him. He looked back at me and got the impression, I wasn't in the mood.

"Uh... not at the moment ladies but thank you." He gave them a wide smile and they walked off, rolling their eyes. He turned to me and sighed,

"Marshall listen, I know you don't like big crowds but cmon let's have some fun! Let loose like the old days." He smiled nudging me with his shoulder.

"Curtis, I don't drink no more. I've been clean for a long time. You know I hate going to places like this. But I'm here because I love ya man." I replied, "You can have all the fun you want but I'm not joining. I'm good man."

He nodded and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like a dick. I just want you to have some fun! Be happy."

"I am happy, I may not look like it but I am. I'm more content than I've ever been in years. I am happy." I sighed standing up, "I'm gonna go get myself a drink." I walked off, venturing towards the bar. I leaned forward on the table to get the bartender's attention and he smiled,

"Need something?" He asked cleaning the rims of a few glasses.

"Can I just get a Coke or something? I don't preferably drink." I replied, handing him cash. "Keep the change."

He nodded and grabbed me a soda handing it to me. I smiled and walked off, heading away from the V.I.P section. I know Curtis didn't mean to be a dick, but I feel he forgets I'm not the same guy anymore. I don't drink, or do drugs, I'm clean. And I prefer to be that way. I sighed, leaning up against the wall near the bathrooms, taking a long sip of my drink, closing my eyes to try and drift away.

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