Gov Headcannons

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Note: I haven't uploaded in a bit because I was writing Texas's backstory but I haven't finished. I thought I would finish sooner but I didn't. So hopefully that comes out soon and sorry for the wait.

Gov is living in constant agony from all the states

Gov is slowly falling deeper and deeper into madness

When Gov was born he was like a robot so the 13 colonies would drag him around and point at shit to make him more human

Gov has constant migraines and takes medication for it

Sometimes when Gov looks in the mirror he sees Confederate looking back at him (It's actually the Confederate States of America but I'm gonna call him Confederate for the sake of simplicity)

Confederate is Gov's evil twin

When Gov was born there was always a divide because of slavery and initially it didn't bother Gov too much and he distracted himself with other things. But as time went on Gov neglected Confederate for longer Confederate became jealous of Gov's power. Everyday the divide between the North and the South got stronger. This ultimately led to Confederate splitting from Gov. Confederate appealed to the Southern states giving them the love and attention they desired unlike Gov who focused more on the richer Northern states. When Gov killed Confederate, he promised him that he would be back and Gov still thinks about this to this day especially since he is so often reminded of Confederate by the southern states.

Gov drives the speed limit

Gov once got tricked into trying drugs by Florida and now he hates them

*One of Gov's eyes are red and the other one is blue

Gov and DC are the same person

Gov overworks himself

Gov doesn't like to drink a lot

Gov is the designated driver

#Gov hates change

Gov once got bit by an alligator because Florida through he was NY when he was on bath salts

Gov likes baths over showers

Gov often acts like a suburban white mom when he gets into parent mode

Gov burns. He doesn't tan

Gov likes to go golfing with Florida

Ben Brainard/WTTT HeadcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now