Texas Backstory pt2

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Note: sorry to stretch it out so long but I promise the next will be the last. I'm just too lazy to write more stuff right now.

After days of on and off fighting, Texas was starting to get pushed back and sustained injuries. He had been running but now it was the time to stand. In front of him stood the Alamo. Although, the odds were against him but he was gonna fight. He set up with all the essentials needed for battle and garrisoned the theater. "I dug in and set up guns, cannons, and even a fire. I am ready." Texas reassured himself.

Texas's eyelids grew heavy as day became night while waiting for the attack.

    Bang! Texas woke up to see a fully angered and armed Mexico coming towards him. He had no time to react as Mexico unleashed a barrage of gunfire on him. Two bullets grazed his arm and one bullet hit him in the torso. Texas screamed from the sudden jolt of pain. Mexico was now right in front of him. He held up his rifle to shield himself from the downwards blow of Mexico's rifle aimed for his head. Texas pushed Mexico away and attempted to stand up. But not before Mexico grabbed his shirt and pulled him close. Texas threw a desperate punch towards Mexico hitting her in the cheek.
    "You son of a bitch" Mexico cursed.
    Mexico retaliated with a hit to Texas's torso with the butt of her rifle. This knocked Texas to the ground and forced his gun off to the side. Texas let out a grunt as his body hit the hard ground. Subsequently, Mexico used this as an advantage and forced her rifle up against Texas's neck, pinning Texas to the ground. Texas screamed once more and started thrashing in a desperate attempt to get out of Mexico's chokehold. Mexico stared at Texas with eyes that could pierce steel. When the thrashing subsided, Mexico proceeded to wrap her hands around Texas's throat and brought his head over the fire. Texas looked back into the golden flames of doom as he felt the heat lick his skin. Texas's face of anger softened to one of a scared child. However, Mexico's face still hadn't changed from a look of stone cold murder. Without saying a single word, she lifted her other hand over Texas's face and gouged out his right eye. Texas shrieked in horror while Mexico scooped out the contents of the mashed eyeball and threw it into the fire.
    "Now do you want to come home." Mexico smirked.
    Tears started to run down Texas's face and he whimpered. Mexico shoved his right half of his face even closer to the fire.
    "Well, did you hear me" Mexico yelled
    Texas didn't respond. Then Mexico shoved his face further into the fire watching as the skin around Texas's right eye started to bubble and burn. His tears turned to sobs from the pain. Mexico pulled his head back up to be face to face with Texas. They stared at each other for a moment before Mexico threw him aside. She then started to throw almost everything Texas had into the fire.
    "See you at home tomorrow" Mexico said as she walked off.
    After what seemed like hours of laying on the ground, Texas stood up, gathered all that he had left, and ran off. As he ran, his fear turned to anger which turned into revenge. He wiped his tears away and felt around the cavity left by his missing eye. He looked at the blood on his hand and rubbed it between his two fingers.
    "Dear mother... this is not the end" Texas quietly said to himself before falling asleep against a tree.

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