Texas Backstory pt1

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Note: Sorry it has taken me so long to post. I was trying to get the whole thing done but I wasn't able to so here's the first part. Sorry if it's not perfect I haven't proof read it.

TW: Abuse, violence, mommy/daddy issues

Knock, Knock, Gov opened the door to find a shorter lady with curly hair, who was definitely drunk, on the other side. It was late so all the states were sleeping. Gov was only awake because he had some paperwork to finish.
    "Uh, excuse me miss. Who are you?"
    "My name is Mexico, and I'm your new neighbor" she replied
    "Wait, wasn't Spain my neighbor. What happened to him?"
    "Well, he was busy with his other neighbors in Europe so I took the opportunity to gain my own independence," she smiled.
    "Sooo, what are you doing at my door? Shouldn't you be celebrating?"
    "Exactly! I need your help to celebrate my independence."
    "Ok, so what do you need?"
    "You know I would do it with some other man but all the other boys around here are kind of meh but I heard you're good~. In other words, I need you." Mexico replied while pulling Gov by his belt.
Flash forward

    "You're not a bad shot"
    "Thank you, sir" Texas grinned after getting all his shots in the bullseye area.
    "Where did you get those skills" Gov asked
    "From my mama. She ain't round a lot but she did teach me what I gotta know. She taught me lassoing, riding, and of course shooting"
    "Why isn't she around a lot?"
    Texas gave him a sad look. "She's been busy."
    "That's rough, man. Well at least you have me" Texas turned away with little tears welled up in his eyes.
    "Yeah, you're all I have"
    "There, there" Gov said while rubbing Texas's back. "You know when I was younger my dad wasn't around a lot and I was very sad but eventually I carved my own path to happiness. Look kid, with your kind of skills I'm sure you'll have no issue finding your own path". Texas smiled in response to Gov's encouraging words.
    Texas broke the silence and said, "well, I think it's time for you to go back home before it gets too dark."
    "Alright, see you soon."

    Texas helped Gov sneak back over the border and went home. The sun slowly began to fall under the horizon as it became night. As he approached his house he could hear gunshots, broken glass, and loud screams.
    "Another revolution" he sighed
    Although he didn't like the violence, he did crave his freedom just like almost all the other states. As after Mexico's new policies, nobody was safe from her cruel iron fisted rule. Texas climbed through a window near the kitchen and to his shock he saw Mexico sitting alone at the kitchen table doing some paperwork.
    "Texas, where have you been"
    "Uh, I was jus runnin around"
    "I told you. You can't keep sneaking with that American. It's against the rules that you agreed to."
    "Well- you like money and he's been helping me to make big bucks-"
    "On the back of slavery which I outlawed"
    "Look, it is clear that he is a bad influence on you. So that's why I banning you from all contact with him and you will give me your gun too"
    "But, that's all I got. You can't do this!"
    "I don't care. I'm your mother and you will obey me"
    "You're ain't even around! How can you say you're my mother-"
    Mexico slapped him across the check leaving it tinted red. "Well, maybe if you were a better son I would care about you more."
    There was a moment of silence before Mexico reached for his gun. Texas clawed at her arm causing her to pull her arm away. Texas stood firm in his spot before Mexico grabbed his shirt and dragged him through the hallway to his room. She yanked him up the stairs whilst the sounds of Texas's yelps and his back hitting each stair were audible throughout the house. The door flew open and he was tossed on the ground. Texas felt his gun being taken out of his holster while his face was smashed against the cold floor of his bedroom. The door slammed and locked behind him. He was now alone. Tears started to flow down his cheeks. His fear quickly turned to anger then confusion before melding in a crazed haze of them all. He started to grab anything and everything off his desk and hurled it at the walls. The walls seemed to deform and mock him in his new prison. Pens, papers, and books were all smashed. The floor became a hole with no bottom. He maniacally laughed as he basked in his destructive rampage. The room spun around him and he danced along. This continued until he tripped over a pile of books forcing him to fall backwards and land on his bed. His hat laid beside him as he stared at the moonlight reflecting off the ceiling of his room.
    "You're crazy. You need to control yourself" He said to himself with guilt.
    "No, I'm just letting off some steam after a long day" he chuckled
    "You know she might be partially right. Maybe we should try to comprise and work things out-"
    "Shut up, Austin!" He shouted.
Texas slowly sat up and looked at the pile of books he tripped over. The book on top was titled "The American Revolution".
    "You see that. I'm gonna start a revolution."
    "I just think you're being too ext-"
    Texas placed on his hat. The voice of Austin disappeared and anger and determination were left in its place. There was one window in his room and that would be the only way out. He jumped out the window then clinged to the tree nearby before sliding down. There was a shed outside where Mexico was keeping all the guns she confiscated. He crept closer and closer to it while keeping watch for Mexico so he wouldn't get caught. When he got to the shed he quickly undid the simple lock and went to pick up a gun. His gun that was just confiscated wasn't there but he spotted an old rifle Mexico gave him to fight against the Native Americans. He picked up the rifle and picked some ammo off a shelf.
    Behind him he heard a stern voice question "what are you doing."
    Texas turned around to see Mexico staring down at him.
    "I'll give you one chance to give me the gun"
    Texas looked Mexico dead in the eye, "come and take it."
Before Mexico could reach for him, Texas lifted up his gun and shot Mexico in the arm. Her screams came followed by gushing blood. Texas took this moment of panic to push Mexico aside then head for the woods. Mexico tried to chase after him but by the time she recovered he had disappeared into the forest.

Ben Brainard/WTTT HeadcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now