Former Mexican States Headcannons

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California wears gold jewelry

Texas wears silver jewelry

Texas is the oldest, California is the middle child, and Arizona and New Mexico are the youngest

Arizona and New Mexico are twins

Arizona has a sandbox in his room

New Mexico makes meth in the basement and sometimes Florida joins him

Every Christmas, NM and Arizona decorate cactuses and place them around the Statehouse

Arizona has eczema

California like to dress in lolita dresses in private

Arizona has a drawer of different potholders (like a sock drawer) that he's bought, stolen from the kitchen, or was given

New Mexico has a shirt that says "I'm part of the United States"

One time Gov kicked New Mexico out of the house thinking he was part of Mexico

Arizona coughs up sand when he has haboobs

California always goes through the trash to organize it properly into recycling, trash, glass, etc.

Texas has a big pickup truck that he always works on

California and Texas always passive aggressively pick on each other

Texas hates his mom (Mexico) but Mexico loves him

California always asks people what their pronouns are

Texas wears a Bucces shirt every night

Arizona always has sand stuck in his shoes

California grows a bunch of fruit and vegetables that he sells or donates to the family

Texas grows his cotton next to California's fruits and California always calls him "slave owner" or says "old habits die hard"

California has a corkboard full of info about other states which he uses to try and make friends but everyone thinks he's creepy because he knows too much.

California is on the spectrum

Arizona and New Mexico made a live sandman (like olaf [they call him sandy]) while high on lsd and drunk af. They hide him in the basement where he spooks all the states but when they tell Gov and he goes down into the basement he never finds him.

Ben Brainard/WTTT HeadcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now