♡"Destined Duel.'

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𝙿𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚈𝚊𝚖 𝚡 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚌𝚘

𝚁𝚎𝚚 𝙱𝚢: 𝚒𝚜𝚍𝚎𝚡𝚛𝚢123

𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫:
--𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝/𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬


It's been an entire week since the two met up, and Yam felt he was entirely prepared to absolutely FLOOR the motherfucker (he probably wouldn't, but oh well..), so now, here he is, wiping his mace off after training.

He was pretty much forced to tell Milk about the talk he had with Choco, and he was absolutely shocked.
(..And he started to go all fanboy-mode, which was what Yam DIDN'T want..)
Milk had basically began to get suspicions, after he thought he had heard Yam talking to someone that night.
..So, he had to admit it..

And now, here they are, Milk practically vibrating over the fact that his best friend was about to challenge his childhood hero, and Yam, just trying to finish up getting ready.

Irritated, he roughly pulled on one of his boots, tying the laces angrily, listening to Milk rant about his excitement.
With a sigh, Yam turned to him, preparing to cuss him out about the rant.
(..But, he really couldn't find the heart to- Goddamnit, that talk REALLY fucked him up.)

"Do you HAVE to rant so loudly about this?!"
He groaned, seeing Milk pause, and frown a tiny bit.
With a chuckle, he replied.

"W-well- When your best friend is gonna battle your childhood hero, how can you NOT be excited?!"

Yam only sighed, turning back to focus more on finishing tying up his boots.

The battlefield was finally ready..!
Yam practically stomped out of the small tent, listening as Milk followed behind.
He had a confident smile on his face (..Shockingly, usually his smiles were threatening..), and he tightly held his mace.

Yam watched the other tent closely, seeing the prince unzip it, and pretty much struggle trying to get out.

He began to laugh, finding it fucking hilarious that Choco, the one who has slain countless enemies (and-..nevermind.), was struggling to get out of a simple tent.
..Eventually, he finally escaped the grasps of the tent. giving a glare when he noticed the man laughing at him.

..Since he had gotten rid of the other sword, Choco had a simple one that he borrowed from the castle.
It was just a casual blade, one that a simple traveler would carry.
But, he seemed content with it.

Yam stopped laughing, putting down his mace as the prince approached. (..To which, Milk was now in a fanboy-craze at his closeness...), watching him reach out a hand.

He raised an eyebrow questionably, before realizing it was a handshake thing, and quickly hurrying to grasp his dainty hand, and shake it.

(..Choco also decided to shake Milk's hand, and dear GOD he went insane)

Now, the two stood, quite a few feet apart from eachother, standing in proper battle stance.
A shot went off, signalling that the battle has begun.

Choco charged at him, swinging the sword, the metal creating a loud screeching sound after colliding with Yam's mace.
The two fought a hard battle, with Milk loudly cheering in the background.

..When Choco finally slipped a bit, Yam found it as the perfect chance to get the upper hand against him.
But, he had used a classic tactic, and as Yam got close, Choco swept a boot into the other's ankle, causing him to now slip to the hard ground.

He grunted a bit, watching as Yam hurried to stand back up.
The duo continued their battle, and by the end, they were completely messed up.
Choco's hair was now disheveled, and in tangled knots. His armour also had tons of scratches, and even a couple small holes left by the spikes on the other's mace.

Yam really wasn't any better: His hair was pretty messed up, but at the same time, not as bad as the other. The only really bad thing was the large amount of scratches and bruises along his chest and stomach, since he refused to ever wear armour.

..Eventually though, they finally settled it, as Yam pushed the other down, pinning him with no outing, and breaking his blade in half, emerging victorious after all those years.

"HA! I KNEW I was gonna win!"
He boasted, seeing the smallest of smiles on Choco's face, as Milk ran to the field, giving him a pat on the shoulder and back. (..Hugging Yam was dangerous, alright?)

After that, he slowly walked over, offering a hand to the prince, the other quickly grasping it and being pulled to his feet again.

"..Good job..I..Did not expect you to know as many tactics.."
He smiled a bit wider, gripping Yam's hand a bit.
Yam grinned back, his sharp teeth showing a bit.

"Of COURSE I knew em'! Practiced the entire week!"

"..Good. A true warrior, indeed."

The duo eventually decided to just sit around in a tent, pretty much just talking, as they tried to heal some of the scars and bruises left behind.

(..Yam was a tad bit flustered over the prince having to bandage and disinfect his chest and stomach, but that's a different story..)

..And maybe, the small while of the 3 just sitting around a fire was quite enjoyable.
(..And the occasional touch of the two's shoulders was a bit more enjoyable...)


this was very epik to write
anyways, wanna apologize for the smut bit not being here, but i promise that when its done, either ill edit this chap n' notify ya', or ill make a pt 3 but its JUST the smut :)

anywayss, tysm guys for 1.11k reads, youre all amazing <33

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