An Insignifigant Beginning

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"Stop it! Put me down!" I giggle as his arms wrap around my torso and swing me back and forth.
He throws me back on the blanket and plops down next to me. He scoots to one side of the blanket and brushes everything onto the grass and pushes me off.
"Hey!" I object as my butt meets the grass. He lays down on one side and rolls across, holding a fistful of the cloth still in his hand. He rolls up like a burrito. I roll my eyes at his immaturity.
"I'm a cocoon!" He shouts in glee and wriggles around on the grass.
"I wanna be a butterfly! Oh wait... I couldn't get anymore beautiful." I scoff and grab one side of the striped fabric.
"Wait! KK N-"
"So you wanna be a butterfly?" I yank the side and he is flung out. "Fly away!" I cry and he spins in air, tumbling down a poorly placed hill. Flip after flip, he rolls down while screaming, "Kat-ieeeeee" and he is stopped by an even more poorly placed tree.
"Oof" he rubs his side and tries to get up, I run to him.
"JAMES! James, I'm sorry! I didn't mean-"
I am cut off as he pulls me into a hug.
"I will never be responsible for you saying sorry."
"You are too beautiful to apologize." I feel myself blush as he pulls himself up and brings me with him.
"Now where were we?" He grabs me and I am thrown around like a rag doll, beaming the whole time.
I stare down at the picture in my hands and reminisce to when we were 11 and 12 on our monthly picnic. He is so fun to be around, I could talk to him for hours. I set it down on the desk and peel back my pink curtains. Our rooms conveniently face each other and I talk to him through the window now and then. Almost like the Taylor Swift video for "You Belong With Me". He has been a closer friend than any girl at school and I love him for that. He has been there for me when my mother got Leukemia and when my dog, Stella was put to sleep. And I love him for that. He cheers me up with his stupid jokes, bright smile, and cocky attitude and I love him most for that.
After a few minutes, I hear the muffled sound of a melodic voice that you could count on being paired with his can of cologne, singing into it like a girl would do to a hairbrush. Oh, the maturity level he stoops to never ceases to amaze me.
He opens the window and is mouthing words I can't understand. I open my window and I hear it clearly as he points at me.
"Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhe-" I shut the door on him and close my curtains.
I hate the way he serenades me, like every day. It's a sweet gesture, but he is never serious. He is always asking me for girl advice, making sure he can have the perfect thing to say to the "perfect girl" that he pictures.
I have to admit that her shutting the window hurt. I sing to her all the time and she just seems tired of it now. She seems tired of everything. I try to talk to her about other girls to keep her off my trail and I have done a good job... Saying, "Katie is pissed" would be the understatement of the century. I just can't help but love it when her nose crinkles up and her face gets flushed with frustration. It's a surprisingly good look for her. I have had a huge crush on her since the 3rd grade and it just grew from there. Every day, every secret or word or breath. I savor her, she is beautiful even if she points out everything she thinks is wrong with herself. She almost found out that I liked her when she saw me putting a valentine in her locker in 6th grade, but I lied and told her that I thought it was Jennifer Beave's locker. I also ask her for advice on girls when it is all for her. She is my perfect girl.
Awe how cute? Short chapter, but this is the beginning. I hope you Air Go fans out there like it!

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