Like Clockwork

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I wake up to a gorgeous guy with soft brown eyes and fluffy dark hair. I lay in his lap and stare up at him.
"Hey beautiful."j
"Hey." I croak. "How long was I out?"
"About half an hour."
"Yeah, I sang for you and you slumped over in my lap. Am I that boring?"
"I guess so. But I want to know what I missed out on. Can you sing again?"
"Only if you sing with me." He kisses me on my forehead and takes in a breath.
"I watch the stars go by
Falling through the sky

All I think of tonight
Is your hand in mine" I smile. I know this song. I join in for the next part,

"I know that you know
I will never let go

Looking at your eyes as they shine
Glittering like the stars in the sky

No matter how bad things are
You won't bare a single scar

All the days that we've been through
And here I am still next to you

Don't worry about tomorrow
Or where our troubles go

Just remember today
And all the things I'll say

In a few years from now
When I'm kneeling on the ground

One question from me to you
Starting all the things we'll do

But let's just love each other
Stars falling one after another

We'll always have tonight
With your heart in mine-"

"Hello James!" Squeals a nasally voice....Jennifer. Shit.
So apparently, my boyfriend thought it would be okay to leave without notice and run off with that skank, Katie. Well, he's got another thing coming. And that's me.
I walk up to the porch of James's new house which looks like a dump anyway. Ivy climbs the side up to a window and the paint on the wooden siding has chipped away. Honestly he was way better off in San Fransisco where the nights never end and the lights never fade. I loved it there, and so did my baby. But apparently not as much as he loved Katie. No matter what he says, I will always love my little schnookums!

I knock on the sun-bleached door and an old man opens it.
"Hello, I'm Jennifer Beave. Is James around?"
"Ah. Yes, I do believe he is at the park with that girl of his." He chuckles to himself. "They really are something. Reminds me of when my wife Darla and I were young." He smiles to himself and I stomp down his stairs and find my way to the park. I finally find them by a lake and they're SINGING. What the hell? That's so romantic and I should be the one in his arms.
"Hello, James!" I squeal. I hope I ruined their happy ending. I run over and grab his hand and yank him away from the skank and pull him into a hug.
"I missed you babe." He pries me off like gum from the bottom of his shoes like I'm the most repulsive thing he's ever encountered.
"Stop!" He puts up a hand. "I am so done with 'Babe' and you following me around like a stalker. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not interested?"
"Oh. Well if I can't have you, no one can!"
I don't know what came over me, but I had no thoughts as to what I was going to do. All I knew was that it was going to be bad...
I run at Katie with all the speed I had in my, put my hands on her shoulders and shoved her into the lake.
I see her charge at me like a prodded bull. Her palms meet my shoulders and push me backwards. I feel myself plummet back and plunge into the water. I feel the fine dirt from the bottom stir up and surround me in a disgusting cloud of darkness. I see small fish dart away as I struggle to swim to the surface. I gasp for air and cough the water out of my system. James grabs my hands and lifts me out as my piercing glare finds her. I don't resort to violence, because I don't want to stoop to her level. But I sure as hell want to rip her hair out.
"Listen," I spit through my scowl "I like your dedication, creepin on your ex all the way down here. But what I don't think is at all funny is the fact that you just couldn't control your anger so you pushed me in the fucking water. I have been nothing but nice to you. Even when you are the most annoying, I swallow the urge to punch you in the face and break your jaw. So, whatever. You win, but that only makes you the worse person. Next time, control yourself like I have barely been able to ever since meeting you." She raises her perfectly manicured hand and wipes a tear before it escapes her eye.
"I thought you were my friend."
Did she just say that?
I stare at her in utter disbelief.
"I hate to break it to you, but we were never friends." I nearly growl as I walk down the path back to the road. I hear James's footsteps behind me. He takes my wet hand in his.
"Together forever, no matter what, right?"
"I'm expecting a kiss."
"Do you really want me to kiss you right now?"
"Nuff said." I confirm with a chuckle. We walk back to his house and he opens the door for me.
"How's my ass lookin' today?"
"Mighty fine." He comments with a grin and as I roll my eyes and pry off my soggy shirt, it brings me back to one very special memory.
He clenches my hand as we approach the house. Our unsuspecting neighbor down the road has the awesomest at backyard in the whole town. A suite patio with the most comfortable seats, a Vera Bradley umbrella for the table, and a retractable screen that protrudes out above the only square that isn't perfect green grass. It keeps the sun out, but you can press a button that reels it back in. I've seen it on tv, but only the rich can afford such a complex toy that costs $1,200. Not like that could go to a charity or something am I right?? Stupid rich people.... There was also a trampoline, zip line, and a spectacular pool with a solar powered waterfall. They had a tennis court installed even though none of them play tennis and they have their own back garden filled with gorgeous flowers and vegetables that are only so well tended to because the mother doesn't work. And why would she when they're sitting on enough cash to build a bridge to the moon with. The main attraction was the pool, James and I were rebels so we sought out the most impenetrable locations and did crazy stuff like spray paint our initials on the grass and it would stay for about a week. Or climb their trees and make loud noises until they would come outside and see nothing. We were quite the rule breakers. Next stop after this house, Fort Knox. We were serious trouble makers. As soon as we get close to the house, I freeze, I want to leave this place, I want to never return. As I look at the sign neatly hung up next to the door, I see the terrifying 5 letters, "Beave's"
"Come on, you'll be okay." He tugs me along with a warm grasp.
"Together forever." I joke like I'm in some sappy high school depiction morphed into a film.
"That's right." He replies and gently squeezes my hand.
"So we just have to put a toe in?"
"No, we're in it to win it. We jump in and then rub the hell away because they have top notch security." I nod, my confidence ebbing away. He gently unlatches the fence gate and a shrill beeping screams in our ears. We run to the pool and jump in the air. No matter how scared I was, I was smiling now. The water felt like silk on my arms, yet the bubbles that surrounded us squirmed to the surface as we floated upwards. He gets out first, grabs my hands and pulls me out and we sprint away from the crime scene just before a very angry Mr. Beave arrived with a baseball bat. Hand in hand we ran together through the darkened street until we arrived upon my house. We got inside and I ran upstairs to change. And he went home temporarily. I peeled the wet clothes away from my shivering body and changed into sweatpants and a comfortable sweater. We then met on my porch to watch the moon drift behind the clouds and found ourselves snuggled up on the couch watching a movie.
"Hey," he taps me on the shoulder.
"What?" I snap out of my day dream.
"You ok?" His warm eyes search mine.
"Yeah, just zoning out." I shiver, my clothes dripping on the kitchen floor.
"One sec." He runs upstairs and returns with a shirt and sweat pants. I go to the bathroom, shower, then put them on. His shirt is warm and baggy and smells like him and I have to admit I almost fainted. He steps over to me and wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him. I hope that we can stay like this forever. I look up to him and hold his face in my hands and place my lips on his. I feel him holding me and I feel unstoppable, his love setting off ever fiber of my being. I'm ablaze with emotion as all the sparks between us mix in an electric fire of passion and all our memories. I run my fingers through his almost curly hair. It grew so much since I last studied it. His eyes meet mine and he takes half a step back and looks me up and down. "You look good in my clothes. But I bet you'd look better without clothes." He winks and I blush a little.
"You're so beautiful Katie." He takes my hand and kisses it.
"I don't know what to say." I mutter awkwardly.
"I don't need words, I need you." He kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear.
"I love you beyond words, Hun."
"I love you too."
"We should get some dinner."
"Yeah." He takes out his phone and types in his password (Katieisbae123)
"What are you ordering?"
"Pizza. Duh." He looks at me like I'm insane. I chuckle and he pecks my lips.
"Yes, I'll have two large pies. Sausage and pepper with pepperoni. And the other one will be buffalo chicken." He remembered my favorite.
"Can I talk to David? Ok...hey Dave! How are you dude? I'm good. You would really do that? Awesome, thanks man, see you in 20? Ok." He hangs up.
"Thanks for remembering."
"How could I forget?" I kiss him and it feels like heaven.
"So who's Dave?"
"Ooh, someone's jealous!" I roll my eyes. "I met him when I got my first pizza here."
"You've only been here for a couple days!"
"Well you know how much I love pizza." I smile and he takes me over to the table and pours some 7 Up for us and pulls out a box from the cabinet in the family room. He opens it and I realize it's checkers.
"Really? You know I'm a boss at checkers. I'll whoop your ass."
"I've been practicing." He winks.
"No amount of practice can take me down." I promise "Make sure you keep your tears to yourself when you lose."
We set up the pieces. I'm black and he's red. 15 minutes later, he is leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed.
"Hey, no pouting."
"Oops, I'm sorr-" I grab his shirt collar in my hands and seal his lips in a sweet kiss.
"I should say the "s" word more often."
The doorbell rings and I see James fish in his back pocket and take out a 10.
"Damn, you're jacked."
"Yeah. I wish." He opens the door, gives David his tip and returns with two piping hot pies. We sit on the couch and eat them: sausage, peppers, and pepperoni for me. Buffalo chicken for James. We have a "Sinister" marathon which totally freaks me out and I spend at least 70% of the whole thing hanging onto him. We finish most of the pies and then put the rest in the frig. He carries me upstairs bridal style. He takes my phone and types in the password (Jamesisbae456) and texts my mom that I will be sleeping over. We brush our teeth together and it feels like old times. He tucks me in and slides under the covers next to me and despite how creepy those movies were, with him by my side I fell asleep almost instantly. The last thing I hear, "I love you Katie."
20 solid pages❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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