Last Ditch Effort

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I miss home and I miss picnics and I miss Disney Land and I miss his request for breakfast. I miss his lips and I miss his touch and I miss his voice. I miss his eyes and I miss his singing. I miss James. There, I admit it. I long to be in his arms as he pretends with every ounce of his stupidity. I stare out the window during this confession session. I wonder if what reminds me of him reminds him of me as I see someone skateboarding down the sidewalk in front of my house. I remember the time at the skatepark not so long ago. Wait. I snap back to reality.

Is that James?

I rip the curtains further apart and stare at his face, trying to determine the details. No, it's not. I swear, I'm going insane.
I wake up and ask for breakfast. No reply. I open my eyes and hit the mattress. Damnit! Katie, why can't you be here. Be here with me to get me over my occasional hang overs and horrible mood swings. I walk to the bathroom and take an Advil.

The urge throw myself down the stairs so I could avoid living a life without her seems so strong. But even in heaven, no angel would fulfill my needs like her. I grab a mug and make myself coffee. In my head ache ridden stupor, the door bell kills my ears. Like someone is jamming a crowbar into my brain. But the pain slowly subsides.
"What do you want?"
I blindly growl.
"What a way to welcome your girlfriend." She fires back, snapping her gum. Girlfriend??
"Sorry. Bella." Before I can say "come in" she steps in front of my and welcomes herself to my coffee.
"What?" She snaps
"Before I say anything that I regret, just know that you are amazing and beautiful and funny and brave."
"Keep talking."
"I'm not sure you want me to."
She places a hand on her hip and raises a brow as if to say, "try me."
"Well, I think it's time for us to not feel the way we do."
"Bella, we aren't meant for each other. What I'm trying to say is whatever this is...I don't want it."
"Well. I-If that's how you feel." She splashes the coffee on me and speed walks to the door. "Screw you, James!"
And slams it, closing the door on whatever we had.
I grab a towel and sop up most of the coffee. I dry the spots on the tile and promise to myself that I will clean it completely later.
I carefully make my way to the bathroom to discard of my clothes and put them in the sink. I step into the shower and rinse myself off. I wash my caffeine ridden hair and scrub my skin with soap. After I am satisfied with the shower, I grab a fuzzy towel and wrap myself in it. I feel like a little baby. All new and warm. That came out completely weird. But you get the point.

After I get dressed, I go back downstairs to wash the tile. I take a sponge from the sink and douse it in liquid. I get on all fours and scrub the brown spot on the floor. My mother walks in.
"James, what was that slamming sound?" My mother asks as she rubs meet eyes. "And what's that on the floor?"
"The door, and it's coffee."
"Oh." She leans against the counter and I continue to work on the stain.
"Bella spilled it on me."
"Was that some stupid game or do I smell a breakup?!" Her hands form fists as she shakes them in the air in excitement. I should start a documentary on me questioning my mother's sanity.
"Yup, it was a breakup."
"Ouch. You ok?"
"Cause I am!" She slaps her knee. Let me get the video camera.
"It was hard getting the point across that I didn't want to be with her."
"You broke it off with her?"
"That's my boy! High five!" She takes a few steps towards me and I turn away.
"Fine, if that's how it's gonna be."
We're silent for a while.
"I miss Katie too much to see other people." She looks down, obviously feeling down about the subject too.
"Put some elbow grease into it." I see the brown color gradually fade back to gray. I put the sponge in the sink.
"James, remember grandpa Jerry?"
"He is moving to San Diego in a few days. And if he has some extra space..."
"Mom, really?!"
"I guess we could let you go for a while."
I leap up and into her arms.
"Thanks mom, you're the best!" I kiss her on the cheek and almost slip in the wet spot.
I decide to break the ice... I take my phone out of my pocket and text her for the first time in 2 weeks, "Hey." I turn off my phone. Staring at the calendar across the room.
WAIT.... WHAT DAY IS IT? I rush over to the little booklet of dates. "June 15." Shit, only 2 days away from her birthday.
My phone buzzes on my bed.
"What's up."
"Nothing much. HBU"
"Same. How's ETHAN." I clench my teeth at the thought of that self absorbed-
"Lovely" little son of a bitch.
"That's great."
"How's BELLA."
"Really? Oh my god. I'm sorry."
"No, don't sweat it."
"Of course I'm sweating rn, it's like 90 degrees out."
"How are you holding up over there?"
"Pretty good,"
"Nice." I punch the mattress again.
"But then again..."
"I feel empty without you."
"Hey James." My mother comes in.
"I just got off the phone with your father's father." She says jokingly. I try to figure out what she just said and can't understand as she looks down at me disapprovingly. "You're grandfather."
"Yeah, he has a whole extra bedroom."
I couldn't sleep that night as I packed, thinking of Katie every step of the way.
Basically, most of my room is put away into big and small boxes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ TWO DAYS LATER
The boxes are loaded into the truck and I am almost exploding with excitement.
My parents are holding hands-barf-and trying not to cry. I can't blame them. Having an awesome child(God) like me leave can be tough. Or maybe those are tears of joy.
Then again, their insanity is overwhelming so I can't tell.
My mom kisses me on the cheek, "Go get her James."
My dad pays me on the back. "Do anything you want, just don't do drugs." And soon enough me and Grandpa Jerry are in the truck and ready to go. Embarking on one of the best adventures of my life. So I maybe won't live in San Diego. I can't just leave everything behind. I will just stay for the summer since my school year has already ended.

They say home is where the heart is

I have to follow my heart and it's taking me right to Katie.
We get there, 37 Chester Avenue. (Which is made up, so don't try finding them you stalkers.)
I'm not gonna lie, the house is big. But looks like complete shit. The door is barely hanging onto the hinges. Ivy is climbing up the siding. Mold and fungi sit pretty on the shingles, and the place looks generally run down. The houses around it look great. The one next to us has two cars in the driveway that look like Katie's family's cars. I run over. SXS are the first letters of her mother's car. THIS IS KATIE'S HOUSE. We live next door just like we used to. We can see each other just like we used to. And most importantly we can be together just like we used to.

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