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I can feel his smile against my lips and his breath on my cheeks. He wraps his arms around my back and hugs me close to his chest.
"I'm about to cry. That was the best moment of my life." He whispers. I kiss his cheek.
"I could say the same." My heart beat quickens and he picks me up in his arms.
"Shall we jump?"
"No! You can go again! But I'll sit this out."
"Loser." He scoffs and walks on.
"Wait!" I feel the smirk on his face grow.
"That's the spirit!" He calls when I tag along behind him.
The drop is killing me. A hand wraps in mine.
"Jace. How are you?"
"Good. Pretty good."
"How's James?"
"I know that you like him! I saw you in the woods with him." He grabs my wrists.
"Jace, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. We aren't good for each other." His eyes flare in anger.
"I'm not good enough for you?"
"No. You're not" I break the grip and storm off to where James is jumping. I take his hand in mine.
"Come on." I pull him towards the line. He nods. We run together and jump at the edge and I swear, it's one of the greatest moments of my life.
I am screaming all the way down and James pulls me to him in midair and he wraps his arms around me. Then in seconds, I'm met with a rush of freezing cold water. Then my arm is pulled up and I take a deep breath, reaching the surface.
"That was really fun." I see him straining and I realize that I'm a dead weight, not pumping my legs.
I help us to shore and we lay in the sand for a while. At 7, we go up in the elevator box.

I take his hand in mine and he leads us to a log to sit by the cliff. On the other side where there isn't any noise and we can sit. We watch the amber sunset drop down to seep into the horizon. And the dark sky settles in. The stars like glitter, spread over a black sheet of paper. Shining over us as we stare back in wonder.
"You, are like the stars in the sky. Fiery, beautiful...."
"I got nothin." He chuckles.
"No, you got me." I wink. "We are like the stars in the sky. Fiery, beautiful, and lasting forever." I kiss his cheek.
"That was amazing." He grins. "Like you." He adds.
"I'm gonna go find something to eat."
"Bring me back a hamburger." He calls over his shoulder. I roll my eyes.
Through the woods until I find something I never noticed before. A torch, another torch. Every thirty feet or so, they cling to a tree in a neat line. I follow it. Maybe that's where everyone is.
I come upon a large tent. Voices murmur from inside it.
"Ok, so tonight. We will take her and beat up her boyfriend while we're at it, right?" I'm the only girl here and I guess James is my boyfriend. I like the thought of that. Realization hits me. I have to get out of here, I stumble back and rustle the leaves and other debris on the forest floor. Shit.
"What's that?" I get up and bolt away, back in the direction of James.
"It's coming from outside." I hear in the distance. I sound like a vicious bear thrashing through the woods. As I rush back to our meeting spot.
"James!" I run back.
"James! It's important!"
"They ran out of hamburgers?" He pouts and crosses his arms.
"I heard their plan. They are going to take me and then beat you up. We have to get out of here!" A gleam of determination sparkles in his eyes.
"Let's go." We sneak to the other side of the cliffs without being seen.
"Where are they?" I freeze.
"I don't know. I haven't seen them by the jumping line."
"Maybe they heard and tried to escape." I gulp. That's Jake and Danny.
"Maybe we should check the parking lot." My eyes widen. James kisses my forehead and holds my cold hands.
I hear footsteps coming within 50 feet of us and the prominent beam of a flashlight wandering the cars. James didn't take a car. So much for a quick get away.
"We can't stay here." He whispers almost inaudibly.
"No shit Sherlock." He leads me back from the middle of the parking lot, yet remain on the pavement to avoid crunching leaves.
He leans down and dislodges a large rock from the soil and heaves it across the parking lot to where it crashes onto the pavement behind a car. I'm so relieved it didn't damage anything. We take the distraction to scurry to the outside of the parking lot down to the road. I feel a large hand grab me by the shoulder. I am tugged back into someone's arms, Danny.
"Hey. What are you doing, sneaking around with this scum?"
"I love him." I growl and rip myself from his grasp. Someone pulls James to the ground and he and Danny start kicking him. I see someone hit him in the face. Damn, why is everything happening to him? I look around. No one to stop me. I jump on Danny's back and pull his hair viciously. My inner bear is coming out and I grab his eyelashes, tugging his eyelids around. I hear him roar in pain as I bash my fist into his nose. I take the other boy by his arm and pull him off of James. He has a blade. Oh shit. He instinctively flings his arm back and a red slice appears on my upper arm. Seeing this, James kicks him in the stomach and is soon pinning him to the ground. A punch, and then another. Then Danny calls back up and we flee the scene. Running in the wrong direction. Hands interlocked, we disappear into the woods on the opposite side of the road and make a huge circle to get them off our backs.
Like Disneyland, running around trying to lose the other person. But it's surprising how a lovely memory can morph into a deadly game of hide and seek. After another 5 minutes of running, we start walking.
"My parents aren't home." This is probably the one time this isn't a sexual joke. "So they won't find out." I nod, but he can't see me so I give his hand a reassuring squeeze.
I text my parents that I will sleep over at the Cesena's. They really don't care. Their motto, "Do anything you want. Just don't do drugs."
I settle in on his bed. He walks over, toothbrush in between his teeth, foam on his bottom lip. He winks at me and smooths back his hair.
He stalks off to the bathroom to finish his routine. He runs over and grabs my arm.
Anger flares in his eyes.
"It's ok, it's just a scratch."
"I don't care if it's a goddamn paper cut. THEY HURT YOU!" He yells and I flinch back, never having seen him so upset. Before he turns away, I hold his hands. His knuckles are blue from hitting Danny and he has a slice on his neck that has stopped bleeding. A bruise on his back and scrapes on his arms.
"You look worse than I do."
"At least my model like face is still perfection."
"Even if you don't have your model like face, in my eyes. You will always be perfection."
And we lay there silently, the peaceful room only illuminated by the faint light of a lamp and by the stars that fell from the night sky. Katie and James.
I hear one last string of whispers before I fall asleep.
"What are you doing to me?"
REALLY LING CHAPTER-1,326 words of awesomeness.

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