I Like Potatoes

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"Ok, tell me something interesting about you."
"I like potatoes." He says in a way that you can't resist crying from the hilarity.
"Something a little more interesting.... Delve into your soul for this one." I wink and he holds his chin and thinks for a while.
"I am in love with a potato. It is so beautiful that I don't want to ruin it so I won't cut it open." He explains and I nod slightly. For a GPA of 2.3, it's not bad.
"Let me tell you something." I start to clear the silence.
"I have a crush on.....Jace Miller!" I squeal, finally telling someone feels amazing. I have a little shrine in my closet....it's not as creepy as it sounds. It has his picture and some paper machete hearts around it with Glitter glue spelling out: K+J. He and I will definitely carve it into a tree when we get older.
"Oh cool," he looks down. "Anything else?"
"No.....everything else in my life is too boring to care about." I huff.
Why does he seem so on edge and defensive right now.
I am burning with anger, Jace Miller? The notorious heart breaker of the school? Worse than me player-wise. How could she even think about addressing that sac of scum by its name? I hate him with all my heart, all that doesn't belong to Katie.
I am the most entertaining person I know. I guess I don't know many people. I hardly do new stuff....DAMN I AM BORING. I need to do something new. Something dangerous and crazy.
//////TWO HOURS LATER//////
"James, I have to go..." I get up from his couch and start to pack up my things. We always do homework together....well it's always more like me doing his homework as he fixes his hair and asks the same knock knock joke again and again until I threaten to punch him.
"Knock knock?"
"Who's there?" I ask stupidly.
"Orange who?" I try to act surprised as he delivers, "orange you glad I'm here?"
"No, James. I'm really not. You are annoying me when I am trying to work so if I could please have ten minutes of silence." I huff and stare down quizzically at the paper. I had always been pretty good in math. Maintaining my B+ and sometimes bumping it up to an A. But not this math. I hate all of his College Prep classes. They are so different from what honors is learning.
As I am investing myself in a proportional polynomial when I hear a familiar voice singing a familiar tune.
"Dun dun. Dun dun." I feel something touch my hair.
"Dun dun dun dun dun dun......"
"DUN!" He yanks my hair and I fly backwards out of my chair and he catches me just in time.
"I'm not in the mood for JAWS!" We used to play that all the time. He frowns and retreats to his wing back chair.
I blow a stray strand of hair out of my face and manage(miraculously) to finish my work.
"Later Jamester!"
"Later Kater!" Our usual good-bye.
"James, I have to go..." Before I close the door, "Katie wait."
"Uhmm," he rubs his arm nervously. "What are you doing tonight?"
"I'm going to a party. I heard Jace will be there!" I squeal and I see the smirk drop from his face. He comes towards me and hugs me, "I just don't want him to hurt you." He whispers in my ear.
"Don't worry...I'm fine." I flash him a grin and hurry down his porch steps
I changed into a flowing blue dress with a flowery lace bodice. Also a pair of sparkly silver flats. I straightened my hair and then braided it into a bun. I wear my signature, "Cherie Couture" perfume and paint my lips a sexy shade of red. I am 15 after all... Nothing's wrong with being a bit edgy now and then. I grab my phone and a white clutch and hug my mom. I receive the whole don't get drunk, don't forget or regret! As she always says. "And don't get in the car if you have a single doubt." I nod and we exchange "I love you"s as I scurry to my ride.
"Jenni," I coo dramatically. "It's been a while since we talked." I snap my buckle into place and straighten out my dress.
"Hey Kat. Nice to see you. No literally, you are stunning."
"Thanks! You too."
Jennifer Beave. Her curly black hair falls naturally around her shoulders. A strapless pink dress with golden glitter clinging onto her effortless curves. With a height of 5'8 she is destined to be a model. A perfect set of pearly teeth and sparkling blue eyes. Too gorgeous to be true. That's because she is the fakes bitch I have ever met in my life.
We pull up to the front of the house, drunk teenagers scattered across the lawn and making out against the lamp post. No need to remind me to gag. I heard Patrick McGuire has awesome parties.
Sweat and alcohol and the music ease everything and makes it the average high school environment. I bet Jace is sitting on the back porch with a girl that he will forget about in five minutes. Or in the bathroom making out. I'm surprised he hasn't caught mono from the hundreds of hungry lips chasing after him. All of a sudden, a hand grabs my arm and I whip around.
"Hi Jace."
"Sup, Babe?"
"Don't call me that. I'm not interested in becoming one of your whores." I spit trying to act hard to get. He must be buying into it because he smirks and adds, "A shame. I would love to have you" and winks, I roll my eyes in disgust and walk away. I am dancing for a while with various girls that I have never met when I feel a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey Patrick! Nice party!" I yell over the music.
"Thanks! You too!" He tells back.
"No! I said NICE PARTY!" And he nods. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me over.
"Let's dance." And we start jumping to the music, my blood pumping with the drum beats.
I feel an arm slither around my waist.
"Get the hell off me, I have pepper spray." Jace fastens his grip a little tighter and whispers, "I don't mind. I like em' spicy." What is up with this guy?!
"Hey, Katie. Come with me." He leads me through the crowd. Unwillingly may I add. I really had no choice, his 8 inch biceps are strong enough to bend titanium. Before I know it. We are in a bathroom.
"Let's actually talk for once."
"Two words that describe me....go."
"Notorious player."
"How about you?"
"Good girl."
"Well, I may behave like a normal human being." I flash him a glare. "But I have lived with James my entire life and I am pretty tough for surviving."
"Well I'm not a player." I gasp in exaggerated shock.
"Yup, I just try out a bunch if girls because I am trying to find someone who I can have a serious relationship with. If I let em down gently, they will think I still have feelings for them. But how I present my break ups really sends ten the message to fuck off."
"Wow, how considerate of you." I roll my eyes.
"Well, nobody is better than the right one." He stares at me for a while and leans in. I panic and put my hands on his shoulders.
"No Jace. I'm not into making out. Serious or not, I don't want to." I back away and his gaze softens.
"Let me at least hold your hand?"
"Is that how you woo all the girls?" I ask sarcastically. He slips his hand into mine and winks.
"You betcha."
He takes me to the pool where 30 solo cups float on the water like dead fish. Then I hear someone yelling. Yelling my name.
"KATIE!" A voice cries. James.
I'll show her crazy. I'm going to that party.
I style my hair a little, I grew it out over the summer so it's a little curly. I know she likes it that way. I dress in some loose jeans and a dress shirt. I think that that's what they wear to parties....
I see her go into the bathroom with that douchebag and heat rises in my veins. I climb the stairs and avoid walking in on anyone. I find a window to the roof and step out onto it. The stars are outlined diamonds against the dark sky. It's actually peaceful up here, if you drown out the deafening music. I need some air. (Did his air go?😂😂😂😂😂)
Then I see Katie holding his hand, I explode inside.
"KATIE!" Desperate for attention, I gather my breath and run off the roof, hoping I make it to the pool. Instead of being somewhat intelligent and rolling myself up in a ball, I stay splayed out and half of me hits the water. Then it all fades to black.

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