
26 2 7

We head out at 5, in his older brother's Jeep. Blasting music and singing along. Did I tell you that Jace is amazing at singing?
Well he is and he stole my heart like no one ever has before.
After a half hour, we are by a hiking trail and a group of rowdy teenagers.
"I thought it was just us."
"Hun, I don't do just us." He wraps his arm around my waist. I don't feel butterflies like I used to.
"Here, let's go get some beer." He proposes, with the raise of an eyebrow.
"You're sixteen!"
"Do I care?"
"Isn't that illegal?"
"Not if nobody knows." He winks.
"I'll just have water." I mutter and he scoffs.
I roll my eyes and he smirks.
I can't stop thinking about seeing James and Jennifer kissing. I feel a burning, empty sensation. Jealousy? Yes....jealousy.
Damn. Am I falling for that boy? That stupid, stupid boy? Yes.
"What are you in such serious thought over?"
"Nothing." I chuckle and he looks at me weird.
"Where's my water?" I huff.
"Coming right up." He replies and stalks off.
"Hey Hun. How ya doin?"
I feel the beautiful voice that I have been yearning for all night behind me. I wanna leap into his arms and forget about this shitty predicament. We are meant to be together, I swear it.

Instead, I just walk towards him and hug him.
"Hey P-Katie."
"Let's go, I think they are starting the jumps." He takes my hand and leads me to the cliff side. I look down and a 60 foot drop stares me down, intimidation leaking through my cracked enthusiasm.
"Jake, let's start this." A boy calls out and a radio starts pumping music that replicates the pumping of my blood and the vigorous beating of my unstable heart. Soon enough the boy who was talking to "Jake" is running and leaps off the cliff. I gasp and look over the side to see him with his arms out, not flailing or showing one ounce of fear. He closes into a tight ball and does numerous flips before landing in the deep blue water. I hold my breath and after 15 seconds or so, he is up and gasping for breath.
"Whoooh!" He cries and pumps his fists in the air. He reaches shore in the heat of the applause and another one jumps.
"There we go Johnny!" We hear the first jumper shriek on the way down before a loud splash.
"Cannonballs are cool." Someone comments from behind me.
"Danny! You're up!" That's Jace's brother. Let's hope he doesn't die, we need a ride home.
He back pedals off and lurches backwards, back flipping at least 5 times before reaching the water. A loud splash erupts at the base of the cliff and he surfaces, and cheers along with the hollers from the crowd.
Then a toned boy with tan skin and light hair takes off his shirt and makes his way to the front.
"This one's for my girl!" He shouts loud enough for James to hear. I cringe at the thought of that. Is he jealous too? He runs up like the rest and splays out in air, but seconds away from a painful belly flop, he curls up into a cannonball.
A few more and then a tall, built boy with tan skin and sun glasses saunters up to the front.
"Here Hun, hold my stuff."
He takes off his shirt and puts his glasses on me. I can't help but blush as he walks bravely to the red spray painted line. He sprints forward and jumps off, flailing his arms around the whole way down, before quickly getting into a diving position and forcing the sharp waves to lap onto the side of the cliff and explode upwards in a salty shower of sandy mist.
I see Jace return with the other boys in a box. A large wooden box attached to a rope. Wound around a sturdy branch and pulled up like a pulley from a strong person below. I watch as he goes over to get a drink. He returns with my water.
"You forgot this Hun." He comments as he holds out the cup. I gladly take it in my hands and drink a few sips. Their water tastes different...
I am snapped out of my thoughts as two wet arms wrap around me.
"James!" I kick and giggle as he carries me into the woods. (Loved that movie)
"Ok." I nod and he leads me deeper into the forest. I see a white piece of fabric. A hammock.
"Here." He places me down on it and swings me back and forth. Like the one that we set up sometimes at the park.
"Pea pod." He commands and I grab both sides and wrap them around me tightly as he swings me around.
"Now I'm the cocoon."
"Let me see you then."
I let the sides loosen up and unveil myself.
"Gorgeous." I feel my cheeks heat up. I fold up my legs and pat the space next to me.
"Sit." He plops down on my right and we stare off into the wilderness.
"Don't you just love how he left you?" He asks and I chuckle.
"Why should he stay?"
"Because you deserve someone who will stay." I feel his arm around me and the butterflies come. Damn that stupid, stupid boy.
I give him his shirt back. He slips it on over his head and I place the aviators back on the bridge of his nose.
I can tell through the lenses that he is staring intently at me.
"Katie. I need to tell you something."
"Me too."
"I was only dating Jennifer to make you jealous and I have been in love with you from the start." He grabs me hand and I squeeze his tightly.
"I thought I liked Jace, but it turns out that, it's just not the same anymore. I wanna be with you more than anything."
"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that." He touches me hair. I can't resist anymore. I hold both sides of his face in my hands and bring my lips to his. And if three words were to describe that experience, "An Indescribable moment".
AWWWWW SOOOO CUTE!!!!!! TOLD U IT WOULD HAPPEN SOON MIMIKIWI! Nice loooong chapter for you guys!
THANK YOU MY LOYAL READERS! This one's for you.

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