Sweet Revenge

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His eyes grow wide and glow bright.
"Not really."
"Wait, what?"
"Well we need to get some revenge on my EX BOYFRIEND." I put heavy emphasis on the last two words.
"So I'm going to be used by a girl I barely know just to get back at some douchebag?" Well he's not just some douchebag....he's my douchebag. Well he gets to do what he wants, it's his life and if he moves on fast, there's nothing I can do about it. Except act like I've moved on too.
"Kind of." I purse my lips in hope.
"I'M IN!"
He wraps his arms around me.
"Wanna take a picture to celebrate."
"Sure, let me take it. My arms are like 8 times longer than yours."
"Yes, almighty tree of prosperity and wisdom." He snatches my phone away and flips the camera to face us. I fix my hair and he fixes his(which is pretty much just flicking it aside) as he gets the right angle. Just before he is about to snap the picture, he turns and kisses me on my cheek. You can look at the post and tell I was surprised....perfect. Now we wait. Jace has commented, "Why did you steal my girl!?😡😂" and Jennifer Beave tagged James. Now it was just a matter of-My phone buzzes under my leg and sure enough James has commented, "We need to talk now😡."

I comment back, "K😊."
Soon enough my phone starts ringing and his beautiful face-Wait NO! Don't fall for him. His hideous face pops up. I press the answer button.
"Hi." I can tell he spat it at me through gritted teeth.
"Well someone seems snappy." I was about to pee my pants and Ethan left the room to laugh.
"I'm far from snappy. And why am I on speaker?"
"Aww that's too bad. I want my new boyfriend, Ethan to hear."
"Well take me off speaker so I can actually talk to you."
I press the phone to my ear.
"What the hell, Katie?"
"What the hell-what?"
"You posted that picture, how could you move on so fast?"
"Well you're one to talk!"
"Me?! I just got my phone back and I see a post of some not so ugly guy kissing my girlfriend!" I love how he said "my" and how safe he makes me feel. BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER!
"Oh really?"
"Yeah really!"
"Ok, so maybe I moved on. But so did you. Hypocrite!"
"What? Katie, never in a million years could I move on from you. I love you to the moon and back(I just had to put it in there). You don't know how amazing you are."I felt like he was with me now, holding my hands. Telling me everything is going to be alright. Lowering himself down to my short height to whisper in my ear, "I love you." But he's not here. And I hate that. I don't hate him. I hate how I don't have him.
"Wait. James, were you drunk recently?"
"Yeah, at Pat's party."
"Check you're profile page." A half a minute pause and I hear the music of the video. A tear falls down my cheek.

"Katie, don't cry." James whispers.
"How did you know, I didn't even sniffle."
"I just know." And I just know that he winked through the phone, knowing that I won't see him. But I did.
I feel a warm hand on my back. I put the phone on speaker.
"Katie. I never meant to post that. I was so messed up and I'm sor-"
"Nope. No sorry's."
"Oops, I honestly regret hurting you."
"Apology accepted."
"Yay. Now let's take another picture." Ethan grins, leans down and kisses me before I can react.
"Hey! Get your lips off my girlfriend!"
Ethan reaches over and hangs up.
"Ethan!" He grabs me and pulls me to him, hugging me tightly. I'm so confused. I pry him off of me and take a few deep breaths.
"He's definitely pissed." I conclude.
"Well at least he's far away."
"That was totally uncalled for."
"Sorry. I got so excited when I became your boyfriend. Even if it wasn't for real. And I couldn't control myself."
"It's alright, just don't go all hulk on me again."
"No promises babe." He throws me a wink, grabs his stuff and confidently struts out the door. I roll my eyes. Too much sass for his own good.
I pace around my room. How could he do that? That damn bastard kissing my girl. I have to find her! I have to be with her! I NEED TO SEE HER EVERYDAY. Or I'll go insane. I punch my pillow pretending it's "Ethan". Ugh, he probably has gorgeous eyes and luscious hair(I had to put that in too). He probably plays drums and runs 5k's on the weekends. Damn he's got Katie. Shut up James, she has spent her entire life with you and loves you too much to betray you like that. I reassure myself. Talking to myself? Yup, I'm already going insane.
I am still puzzling over Ethan and his complex ways. He is really cool, then funny, then he likes you, then he full on kisses you. All in one day.
I really miss James and I wonder who that girl was and how the video got posted.
I decide to call him.
Second ring.
"Being angry."
"Don't be, Ethan can get a little out of hand."
"Yeah no kidding, getting all like that with you."
"I don't know, I kinda liked it." I tease and I can hear his grunt of frustration on the other end.
"Don't say that ever again or I'm going to have to find him and strangle him personally."
"Ok, I won't."
"So are you going to break up with him or me?"
"Well I'll sleep on it. But you never know." I joke. Obviously I would pick James any day.
"You really like to make my heart shrivel like a raisin."
"Eww. I hate raisins."
I can visualize him sticking his tongue out at me.
"But I'm a special raisin."
"Definitely." I pause and suddenly remember the reason I called in the first place. "And James, who was that girl anyway. I've never seen her before."
"Oh, her name is Bella."
"Oh. Cool." I huff.
"Don't get too jealous over there Kit Kat." I roll my eyes.
"Pfft like that will happen."
"You know it. Anyway, gotta go, she is over right now. Later Kater."
"Later Jamester." Is she really over? Why do I feel uncomfortable. Is he kissing her now? Shut up Katie, he's better than that.
Check out my series of short stories! Hope you guys are having an awesome summer😉

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