💜Donnie relationship

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Y/N = your name

Y/E/C: your eye color


You're the only one Donnie lets mess with things in his lab. Not even his brothers can touch his stuff. 

He does get a little snippy with you sometimes but only if he's tired or annoyed with something.

If he cant sleep he tends to find you and ask for shell rubs. He loves shell rubs more than he lets on. He feels safe when you rub his shell. 

When it is just you two he likes to wear his glasses instead of his contacts. He feels much better wearing those in a safe enviornment. Usually if you're being too quiet he will strike up a conversation somehow or turn around to make sure you didnt leave without telling him.


You did that once to see how he would act if you left the room and he was quite the soft shell about it or so you thought.

"Y/N? Can you grab the screwdriver off the shelf?"

He noticed you didnt answer and turned around in his chair.

"You left..?" he looked at the ground wondering what he did wrong.

"Oh no don't be sad!" You ran in.

Donnie looked up with a smirk.

"I knew you wouldn't leave."

"You knew I left?!"

"Of course I did, you never leave without telling me why or where you are going." He said ever so calmly.


His nickname list is short he doesnt wanna keep up with too many of them so its Dove, smartie, or babe.

You love when he makes new battle shells because he lets you wear them while he works on them. If you get squirmy he lets you walk around or he chases you as a joke. He's not this playful with anyone besides you.

Donnie doesnt do jealousy very much unless your time with his brothers escalates. Yes he does track that. If you go over a certain amount of time one of his little robo hands grabs your wrist and drags you over. He then wraps his arms around you and places his head on yours with a grin.

He loves it when you call him a mastermind or a genius. He feels a million times smarter when you call him that and just gives you headpats to your delight.

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