💜Hot Chocolate

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You watched the boys and April play in the snow while you were bundled up still shivering. You had layers of clothes on but you were still oddly cold. You giggled as Donnie shoved Leo into the snow without a care in the world.

As much as you hated to admit it you really liked Donnie, he was smart, funny when he wanted to, nd somehow had his own dazzle in his personality. Sometimes he seemed like he could careless but everyone knew he cared, other ties his emotion did shine through and show off a little. That was a rare thing from Don.

You had gotten lost in your thoughts and didn't notice a snowball fight had broken out. You hated getting snow on your skin, it was cold and wet. Everyone knew this except Leo who was not paying attention when you asked them not to throw snowballs or snow at you.

Leo chucked snow at you and hit you right in the face, everyone paused as you grumbled. Your face was already freezing so the snowball made it worse and you started to say 'ow' over and over without stopping. Donnie shoved Leo away and came to your side glaring the life out of Leo. Donnie being the smart one knew that being cold made things hurt worse and Leo had a strong throwing arm.

You tried not to cry as your nose stung with pain from the impact but your body was against you and a few slipped out. Donnie sighed and whiped them gently from your face before picking you up.

"We're gonna head home and warm up cya guys at home" Donnie deadpanned and you both headed back to the lair.

You shivered the entire way, Donnie could feel it as you snuggled up inot his jacket for extra warmth. 

One you both got back to his lab, Donnie set you on his bed pulled something out of his drawer. You looked and realized what it was. Donnie was now wrapping around you his special blanket that he never let his brothers use. It was his first invention, a heated blanket. You opened your mouth to protest knowing he didn't like others using it besides him but he shushed you immediately. 

Donnie left the lab for a few minutes and came back with 2 mugs of hot chocolate. One for you and one for him. You blew on it to cool it off still shivering lightly. You didn't wanna ruin the day but from being out in the cold without a jacket you had gotten a little sick. That might have been why you were so cold earlier. You shrugged it off and sipped the drink slowly to make it last.

Donnie had turned to his computer and worked on something, it was silent. Neither of you spoke for several minutes until Don broke the silence.

"Why didn't you tell us you have a cold?" He said not looking away from his monitors.

You didnn't respond so he turned to face you. You only looked down at the drink in your hands.

"I didn't wanna ruin the day for anyone..." You admitted in a whisper.

Donnie got up from his chair and made his way over to you. He sat beside you not touching you but he was close. He took the drink and set it on the table before flicking your forehead.

"Ow! Donnie!"

"Dont "donnie" me, that was dumb of you to think you'd ruin the day for us! There will be plenty of other snow days for us to do it's okay for us to take one day to make sure you're healthy! Even if it's just one of us who took the day off it's not a big deal, when will you get that through your thick skull?" He scolded making you go quiet.

You looked at your hands taking in everything he spat at you. You felt like crying, he was right. You could've gotten worse than you already were at the moment. you gave him a sad apologetic look and he moved closer. Hesitating but finally putting his hand on your back and rubbing it gently. He said nothing more he just returned your drink and rubbed your back.

You finished the warm drink that warmed you up along with his special blanket. You set the cup on his nightstand and thanked him.

Donnie crawled over to where you had laid down and laid behind you, spooning you in his arms.

"D? What are you doing?" You looked back at him.

He used his finger to lay your head back down.

"I'm keeping you extra warm now rest"

You smiled at him being softer than his soft shell and snuggled up against him. You smiled at the wamrth you felt inside and out. Drifitng off the sleep in his embrace, still head over heels for this turtle in purple.

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