✖️🟪 Depths. 🟩🎭

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NOTE: Just wanted to say something really quick, most chapters will probably be more focused on Xisuma, Grian or Dream!
(I blame me hyperfixating on them-)

PROMPT: Depths

AU: DSMP x HC crossover, Warden!Xisuma

[ TW/CW'S: none(?) ]


Dream and a some of his friends were exploring the new Caves and Cliffs update.

They were quite curious about what they may find in the deep dark caves since they heard rumors that there were new monsters there that were called "Wardens".

Since they also heard that they were very strong they had brought enchanted netherite armour with them to try and make it a bit easier to escape the Warden in case they found it.

They didn't have much information on it sadly, but It was to be expected since the Caves and Cliffs update had just came a few days ago.

They talked about theories they made on the way to the deep dark cave they had found not too long ago. Some of them doubted that it was very powerful to need enchanted netherite armour to survive or escape It. Some thought It didn't even exist and that it was all that they heard, rumours.

The others that didn't agree with neither of those were unsure on what they thought about It.

. . .

After a few hours of walking they finally had reached the deep dark cave. They all looked around in awe at the structures that were there. They couldn't see much but the torches helped enough for them to be able to see some of it.

Dream took a step towards only to immediately stop when he heard a noise that came from something. He looked at the floor, searching for what might have made the noise. The others also heard it and also looked around trying to find it.

Dream took another step, being a little more careful now.

The thing made a sound again, he looked at the direction that it came from and saw something on the floor. It wasn't a creature but it also wasn't a human. Whatever it was probably alerted something at each noise it heard.

He made a "shh" motion to the others, telling them to be quiet. They didn't know what it was or what it really did but they didn't want to find out if it could make something bad happen.

They walked further and further into the deep dark cave. Something had shrieked two times by now, getting angrier and angrier. They assumed it was because of the sound of the multiple footsteps.

Someone forgot to keep quiet and started to walk normally, obviously making a loud noise in the quiet cave.

The thing that shrieked, they still didn't know where it was exactly, made another shriek. Except, this one sounded even more angry than the last ones.

The floor trembled and their vision got even more dark than before. They could barely see eachother now.

Whatever was making the floor rumble was getting closer and closer as the seconds passed.

They all stayed quiet and still, trying to not alert what was coming about their current position. Even if it probably knew where they were.

Some of them started to tremble from how much fear they were feeling.

As the thing that had been getting near to them stopped their vision had started to get a bit more clear, although it was still very dark.

Some of them took out torches and looked around, searching for where it was since they still didn't where it was.

They heard It sniffing, smelling the air.

It made a noise that seemed to be a growl, though it didn't sound like it was angry or upset. It just seemed like a warning growl.

One of Dream's friend took out a torch and threw it at where they heard the sniffing and the growl.

Dream's eyes widened when he saw what It was. It was a tall figure, it had dark brown hair, and also had antler-like things on top of its head. It appeared that it also had eyes, but they were covered by whatever those things were, It kinda looked like it was moss but at the same time it didn't.

It looked at where the torch landed.

It looked around trying to find who had thrown it, but of course, It didn't succeed due to its blindness. It smelled the air again.

It also didn't succeed in trying to find them by trying to smell them.

It seemed to relax slightly, but still in high alert. It probably thought they had most likely left.

Dream knew that he was about to do was stupid, but he still proceded to do It anyway.

He took a step towards the creature, that he now realized probably was a Warden or a Warden hybrid. The others looked at him like he was insane, which he probably was at this point.

He took a deep breath.

The Warden looked around trying to find where the sound had come from.

"...hello?" Dream said carefully.

The Warden "looked" at him, and tensed up again. It growled slightly, giving him a warning.

It didn't seem like it really wanted to hurt him, so he continued speaking.

"Hey- calm down, we don't mean any harm." He said, trying to calm down the Warden, if that was even possible.

The others looked at him and the Warden, their eyes were wide with shock and fear but didn't do anything yet.

The Warden tilted its head sideways. It opened its mouth for a second and then closed it again.

He took another step towards It.

The Warden also took a step towards him.

Now they were face to face, or well, as much "face-to-face" they could be at least. The Warden bent down and "looked" directly at his face.

He gulped with fear at the thought about what might happen next.

He squeezed his eyes closed and reached to touch it. He stopped when his hand was right in front of its face. He took a deep breath, trying to ease the feeling of anxiety.

. . .

It sniffed his hand.

He opened his eyes, shocked at what had just happened.

It reached to touch his hand, almost missing it. The Warden opened its mouth again.

"....Hello?" It said, sounding a little confused.

The others were looking at them with their mouth-agape and a shocked expression.

"Hello" he answered It

Dream smiled.

"What your name?" He asked.

. . .

"Xisuma.." It answered.

. . .

It frowned at the silence. 'Did it say something wrong?' It thought.

After a while, Dream answered.

"Well, Nice to meet you, Xisuma. My name is Dream."

Xisuma smiled back.

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