| A (very) much needed rest. |- OSSMP

638 5 2

THEME - fluff
SHIPS - None, Just fruit trio <3
WARNINGS - Sleep deprivation (?)
REQUESTED BY - Blitzgaypog


Today was a sunny day in the clearing, everyone was hanging out with their friends or just doing and building things somewhere.

Owen was hanging out with Rasbi and Apo, chatting with them and sometimes asking a thing or another.

As far as he was aware none of them had gotten any memories of how did they get here or who they were before. Neither of the three of them seemed to be bothered by that but it didn't seem to be top priority to know at the moment.

Owen covered his mouth as he yawned, blinking quickly a few times.

Rasbi and Apo looked at him, and for a moment they seemed... Concerned, but It could be Owen's eyes playing a trick on him or something. Unfortunately or fortunately, it wasn't his eyes playing a trick on him.

" Owen.. are you okay? " Rasbi asked. A concerned look in her eyes.

" Hm?.. oh, yeah. I'm fine, why? " Owen took a moment to understand what Rasbi had asked him, but not long after he answered her.

" Are you sure? You don't seem.. Fine. " Apo asked, noticing the little "delay" Owen had trying to understand what Rasbi asked him.

Owen frowned slightly and sighed.

" I'm fine, Apo. " He answered, a bit irritated now. He took a deep breath, still frowning but no as much as he was before. " Sorry.. "

Apo looked at him with a soft look in his eyes.

" It's fine, but seriously Owen, are you okay? " Apo asked.

Owen looked lost in thought at that moment, he looked at Apo and Rasbi for a moment and sighed.

" Not.. really " he answered, looking at the ground.

No one said anything for a while, until Apo's eyes lit up with what seemed an idea.

" What if we have a sleepover? " Apo suggested with a smile in his face, looking at Rasbi and Owen to see what their reaction.

Both Rasbi and Owen smiled at the suggestion and seemed to like it quite a lot. Having seen that, Apo stood up as well as Rasbi and Owen.

He went over to Rasbi and whispered something in her ear that Owen wasn't able to hear, she nodded at him and looked at Owen, getting closer to him. She stood by his side and suddenly started to pick him up in a bridal carro style. It was a bit difficult at first but she managed to with a bit of a struggle.

Owen, having spaced out slightly not long after he stood up, didn't notice Rasbi só close to him and got startled when she started to pick him up out of nowhere.

He didn't say anything, tiredness taking over more and more as the time passed.

Noticing that, Rasbi and Apo chuckled slightly and started walking over to Owen's house as It was the closest one and would be the easiest to enter.

Although It was the closest house out of the three of them, It still took a while to reach it and by the time they had went inside Owen was already asleep.

Rasbi put him down on his bed carefully as to not wake him up and went to see If there where any spared beds or something that they could sleep on.

Fortunately, She found two beds that were kind of hidden away in a corner, which wasn't too hard to find. She called Apo over to help her with the beds.

They put them close to Owen's bed as there wasn't much places where they could put them and went to sleep, since It was already night time.


A/N - I hope this was good since I kinda ran out of ideas of what to write half way through this- and I apologize if my english is bad in some parts, i've been kinda tired lately but I think I still managed to do a good job :)
(Or i hope i did, at least)

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