~ Headcanons - QSMP

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Have some headcanons while I try to gather enough motivation to write something <3
(I wrote all of this while I was very tired so I apologize for any spelling mistakes-)



He has an identity disorder due to the torture he has gone through + past traumas (b4 the island / From when he was in Alcatraz.)
(This could be canon ngl-)
– Really paranoid sometimes.
– Very protective of Richarlyson, sometimes even more than he should be due to some of the instincts that he has because of him being a cat hybrid.
– Touch-averse with everyone EXCEPT with the Brazilians, the eggs and Roier.
– has mild thalasophobia.
– Demiromantic.
– Struggles a little with trying to find out if he likes someone romantically or platonically.
– Gets distracted easily, mostly due to his ADHD but also due to his "cat instincts" (?) sometimes.


– Dislikes/hates summer.
– Has no clue of how to "sleep" so he just watches the islanders that are awake before going to its office.
– CAN eat but chooses not to, since it's pretty much useless to them.
– Can shapeshift, although it's kinda limited.
– Doesn't know the concept of having a gender so it doesn't really mind he/she/they pronouns but mostly uses it/its. (Others use It/its, he/him and they/them when refering to it)
– Mimics the players and the eggs sometimes


– Sometimes sleepwalks.
– Has nightmares a bit often, most of them being related to Cellbit and Felps being taken by the federation and Montel Richas (although it's very vague or he barely remembers when it's nightmares about Montel Richas.)
– Slight fear of abandonment.
– Often mimics his parents manerisms.
– Doesn't like any type of tea.


– He sometimes let's Richas and the other Brazilians style his hair when he wants a new hairstyle.
– Likes to make "tattoos" on himself with pen when he's bored.
– Knows how to crochet but no one besides Richarlyson knows that.


– The ends of her hair are slightly blonde and has dyed a small part of her bangs white so she looks more like Wilbur.
– Likes to write poems sometimes.
– Has nyctophobia/monophobia.


I wanted to add more headcanons but I can't remember any other headcanons atm-
- REV / CELL <3

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