🧃🍊 Drowned. 🍊🧃

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PROMPT: Drowned

SMP: Outsiders SMP

TYPE: Angst

CW's: drowning, character death


Owen was looking around sector 3 trying to see if there was something that could help them get out of there. So far he didn't find anything but he still hoped to find something.

He looked at his friends and saw them talking just across the frozen lake.

He looked around for a bit more and then decided to go see what they were talking about.

He stepped on the ice and started walking towards them slowly to not fall, it would be difficult to get back up and would probably hurt.

Not even midway through it he heard a cracking sound.

He lifted his feet and looked at the ice.

There was a crack on it, but it wasn't too big so he didn't worry too much, but now he was definitively being more careful walking on it.

He took a few more steps forward until he heard another crack, but this one was slightly louder than the first one. He looked down and saw a large crack in it.

"Maybe I should just walk through the show." He muttered to himself.

He started walking the snow in a slightly faster pace. It was difficult but it would be better if he got off the ice quickly.

He looked at his friends again and saw that they weren't there anymore.

"Maybe they're at the cottage." He muttered to himself again.

But just as he finished saying the ice below him broke and he fell through into the cold water.

He didn't even get the chance the yell before the magma at the bottom of the lake sucked him down. He tried swimming upwards, trying to get out of there while he could.

Unfortunately he didn't have much luck and was still being pulled to the bottom.

He tried to yell in a desperate attempt to try and get his friends attention, but only managed to make him swallow more water.

He looked around in the water trying to find something that could help him get out.

He didn't find anything that could help him get out of there but instead he saw a... Creature? Looking straight at him.

He yelled again, panicking even more.

It didn't make any moves to get closer to him. It just continued watching him drown.

Slowly, he started going unconscious.

His eyes slowly started to close.

Just as they were almost fully closed he saw the creature swimming towards him.

Then, it all went dark.


A/N : God, this took me so long to write, I was supposed to write this a long time ago but I didn't have any motivation to do so. Well, I hope you enjoyed this! I have one more chapter that's ALSO Owen-centric to write, it probably will take a while to write it but I will try to write it quickly!

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