| You're an avian? | - QSMP

449 4 1

TYPE - Fluff Angst
SHIPS/DUOS - Philrever (barely there tbh)
WARNINGS - Child abuse(?), experimentation(?), feather plucking
(not sure if this counts as a warning but i'll keep it just in case)
A/N - Sorry If there's any spelling mistakes, I wrote this while I was sick.


Forever watched as Philza taught the three dragonborns how to glide from where he sat on the wall. He had a small smile on his face, and a soft look on his yellow-ish brown eyes.

Philza showed them how to position their wings and how to safely land on the ground, gently correcting them sometimes when they failed to copy him. Forever felt a pang of emptiness in his chest, his smile faltering for a moment.

He wasn't... Jealous, of Philza paying attention to the hatchlings and not him, even if that seemed a bit impossible. He, instead, felt jealous of seeing and adult treat the children so... gently and lovingly. Forever took a deep breath, in an attempt to calm himself.

He felt stupid for being jealous of them.

Forever quickly pushed away those thoughts and looked back at the other four and he was glad he did so, because and soon as he looked, he saw Tallulah glide for a moment. He smiled, clapping. "Good job Tallulah!" He praised.

Tallulah looked at him and smiled brightly at him, her wings flapping happily behind her.

"And good job to you both too, Richas and Chayanne!" He praised again, giving them a thumbs up. Both of the boys beamed at him, their wings puffing out proudly.

Philza watched quietly, smiling soflty at them.

Forever sighed and counted silently, trying to count how long it would take for the white bear to appear. He knew he was going to appear at some point, since it seemed to be able to sense when someone was sad or anything that wasn't being happy.


Soon enough, Cucurucho appeared and went straight to him. The there dragonborns and avian watched it cautiously, curious as to why it was here but knowning It was most likely wanting to talk to Forever about something. "Hola, buenos dias." Cucurucho greeted him. Forever stood up, smiling slightly at the bear. "Hello, Cucurucho!" He greeted back.

"Why?" The white bear asked. It was a vague question, but Forever understood what it was asking him. He grimaced slightly, looking briefly at the four looking at them.

He sighed, dragging his hands over his face. "Ele não me ensinou a voar." Forever admited quietly, a blush of embarassment appearing on his cheeks.

Cucurucho stared at him for a moment before grabbing a book and quill and started writing on it. Forever player with his braid slightly as he waited, a small habit of his.

After a while, the bear handed him the book.

"WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE HIM TEACH YOU HOW TO FLY?" Forever read quietly. He look up at the federation member, his eyes shinning with hope. "Sério? Can he really teach me?" Forever asked, hopeful.

"Yes, yes. Maybe." Cucurucho replied.

Forever, still hopeful, nodded eagerly. His pupils dilating slightly.

Philza and the three children looked at him with a questioning and confused look in their face, wondering what the white bear had asked him to make him so happy at its answer even if was just a maybe.

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