| dystychiphobia | - QSMP

549 4 0

TYPE - Angst • Hurt/Comfort
SHIPS/DUOS - Tazercraft (+Fit I guess-?)
WARNINGS - Dehumanization, implied experimentation and torture...
A/N - This was inspired by a tiktok I saw abt Binary code entity!Pac + this phobia (dystychiphobia)
I don't remember the name of the account sadly. If I end up finding the tiktok acc this was inspired by, i'll make sure to put it here!
!! AU !!


It watched as the two islanders and the two children tried to solve what it assumed were... 'Enigmas?' It thought, but quickly pushing it away so It could focus more.

It smiled slightly, find it funny how many times the slime hybrid failed to climp some places every now and then. It imagined how difficult it had to be to climb up things sometimes, It kinda had an idea of why but it couldn't remember... It had been a long time since he had told it the downsides of being a slime hybrid...

'long time?' It noticed what it had "said".. what did it mean by that?

It decided It was best to avoid thinking more about that, it would only result in It being hurt.


They started to go to another place now.. 'probably managed to solve the enigma' It thought. Not wasting time, it started to followed them, not taking it's eyes away from the Slime hybrid and the small dragon hatchling.

Its eyes lingered on the small dragon hybrid as it's instincts started to surface slightly. The human-code entity shook it's head, trying to push down the instincts.

It sighed, slightly bored. The entity knew it couldn't interact with them, the federation had made that VERY clear to it.


They felt one of the workers hold their limbs down as they tried to free themselves from their grasp.

They saw as one of the workers present there at that moment nodded to the other that was seemingly guarding the door. It nodded back before it started to walk towards them with some type of... Bat? In it's hand.

They tried to scream at it, yelling at it to- "GO AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME!"

Tears spilled from their eyes and an agony filled scream tore itself free from their throat as the "Bat" touched their skin. It hurt. It hurt so bad. The feeling of electricity could be felt through their entire body, there wasn't a place that didn't hurt at that moment.

They sobbed and screamed even as their conscience started to slip away...


It blinked quickly, becoming aware of it's surroundings as the flashback started to fade away, snarling quietly. These flashbacks were becoming more and more frequent each day, and sometimes they lingered a lot more.


It focused back on the islanders and quickly froze.

His son was looking right at them, and the other hatchling was, too, once It realized the youngest was looking at something. It backed up slightly, trying to not accidentally alert both of the adults about their presence, too.

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