|Beautiful Scenery| - QSMP

318 7 8

TYPE - Fluff + a bit of Angst
SHIPS/DUOS - Hideduo Romantic
WARNINGS - None...
     • FLUFFTOBER : First Kiss



Fit and Pac walked around the abandoned federation facility, searching for anything that could tell them or help them find where their children could have ran away to.

So far they had only found a few reports from a few months ago but from what they had seen, there wasn't anything that could help them on those papers. Pac put the files on his backpack, knowing that Cellbit would probably want to investigate them.

He could see Fit opening some drawers on the other side of the room. The taller man sighed in frustration, closing one of the drawers.

"Nada?" Pac asked, looking at his translator for a brief moment, making sure it translator what he said correctly. "Nothing." Fit shook his head.

"Did you find anything?" The taller man asked. "Unfortunately not. I couldn't find anything else here." Pac gestured to where he had been searching previously.

"Lets search a bit more, maybe we will find something soon." Fit said, walking towards a table which had a few stacks of paper on top. "Alright, call me if you find something." Pac answered.

Fit hummed, picking up some of the papers and reading whatever was written on them.


"Hey, Fit?" Pac called. "Yeah, Pac?" Fit looked at him, only to notice that he no longer was where he had been previously. "Where are you?" Fit asked him, looking around trying to find out where he went.

The older man heard a few leaves and vines rustle. Looking in the direction of the noise, he saw the shorter male in the middle of some vines. "I'm here. Come, I found something!" Pac answered, walking backwards and letting the vines cover what looked like a cave.

Fit put down some papers he had picked up and walked towards the hole in the wall. He pushed away the vines, walking inside he was surprised to see such a beautiful place.

Behind the vines there was a slightly big cave, there was a small pond inside it and there were a bunch of vines and moss covering its walls. The floor was a bit rocky but it still had a few big patches of grass here and there.

It was beautiful.

"Cool, right?" Pac asked him, a small smile on his face. Fit nodded, speechless.

The Brazilian laughed slightly, any tension slipping away from his shoulders as he walked towards the taller man, pulling him towards the small pond by his hand.

Pac sighed, still smiling as he sat down on the rocks carefully. He didn't want to accidentally fall inside the pond. He looked up at Fit, noticing that he was still stading up.

The raven haired make pat the ground lightly. "Sit beside, Fit." He smiled up at him. The older man smiled back at him, sitting down.

The shorter moved closer to Fit, leaning on him and laying his head on his arm. A light red-ish pink blush started showing on his cheeks as they started to heat up.

The same started happening to Fit as he felt Pac lay his head down on top of his arm, his cheeks slowly turned a subtle red blush.

Both stayed silent, just enjoying the quiet besides eachother.


Pac looked at Fit from the corner of his eye.

Sighing, he turned towards him silently, his cheeks turning a more vibrant color.

Fit looked back at him, mildly confused, but soon noticed the blush that stained Pac's cheeks as well. They stared at eachother, both not saying a word.

Pac took a deep breath.

"Can I...?" He asked quietly, looking back and forth between Fit's lips and his eyes. The older man turned towards the Brazilian, holding his hands. Pac squeezed his hands and Fit squeezed back.

The raven haired suddenly kissed the taller, taking him by surprise for a moment. Quickly, he recomposed himself and kissed Pac back gently, closing his eyes.

Not long after, they separated, both of their cheeks now a bright red.

Fit smiled at him and Pac smile back shakily.


A/N ~ hello! Just passing by to apologize if this is a bit cringe- its kinda hard writing these type of stuff when you're aroace, ngl- but I hope I did a decent job!

((Some chapters may alternate between English and Portuguese as i'll be trying to write in my mother language!))

       !! EDIT
A/N : I decided that I will post the flufftober oneshots here, because I want to write some of the prompts with other SMP's and not JUST QSMP!

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