| Guilty mistake | - QSMP

923 5 1

TYPE - Angst
SHIPS - Guapoduo
REQUESTED BY - Aly_kawaii_34
WARNINGS - Death, manipulation(?), su1cid3
A/N - No pude escribir algunas partes exactamente como me pediste, ¡pero espero que esto siga siendo bueno! <3



It was a sunny day at the Island, Cellbit had just finished doing the researchs Cucurucho had asked him to do. Thankfully, there weren't many that he had to do so he had been pretty quick to finish them.

He was walking towards it's office to deliver them. He looked straight ahead, not looking at any of the rooms he passed. Even though he wasn't looking at them, he could catch a brief glimpse of what was inside of it, but mostly it wasn't anything interesting, just more offices or rooms filled with more paperwork.

He sighed, fixing his posture before entering the room.

"I finished what you asked me to do." He said, putting the book and a few more papers stacked on it's desk. It looked at him with it's beady black eyes, saying nothing, just staring.

As he left the room it said, almost automatically.

"I hope you enjoy the Island."


Cellbit was taking care of Richarlyson along Forever, the boy was running around and teasing both his fathers here and there. Forever had just scolded him for not wearing any armour, and even though Cellbit thought that he was a little extreme, he knew the child really needed to wear at least some of his armour.

After all, one of the codes could attack at any moment. They could never know when a code would attack besides the rapidly changing sky to night when it appeared somewhere.

But the kid prefered to be practically named when It came to armour and he would be stubborn when told to wear it.

Cellbit sighed, take some sips of his hot coffe while he watched Forever and Richarlyson bickering slightly.

He remembered he had planned to talk with Roier about some things soon, nothing too serious just some simples things.

"Ei Forever, eu tenho que ir ok? Eu combinei com o Roier que eu ia falar sobre algumas coisas com ele." Cellbit said.

"Ah, ok Cellbo." Forever answered, smiling at him. Cellbit smiled back before looking at Richarlyson.

"Você quer vir comigo, Richas?" He asked, the kid thought for a second before answering that, no, he was going to stay with pai Forever.

Cellbit nodded, saying bye and teleporting to, now, their castle.

He stood still for a moment, waiting for the slight nausea that came with teleporting. He sighed, walking towards his castle.


Entering it, he immediately noticed to strange vibe inside it. It felt quiet. Way to quiet.

His ears pinned back slightly as he walked cautiously to his and Roier's bedroom.

He was going to call out for Roier when his communicator pinged. Cellbit looked at it seeing that it was just some message from one of his friends asking if he was busy.

As he moved his hand to type an answer, his communicator pinged again. It was a notification from the public chat.

He opened it while he kept the private chat open.

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