| Hide and Seek aftermath. | - QSMP

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TYPE - ?
WARNINGS - Mentions of attempted murder, past character death
A/N - I got this idea while watching the hide and seek vod (cellbit's POV) and couldn't stop myself from writing this lmao-
I'm a slight(?) Cucurucho apologist and enthusiast <3


Cucurucho teleported away as people slowly started to leave the hide and seek area. It had managed to get a few bits of information that could help it keep the habitants happy and make them stay in the island.

It hadn't managed to gather a lot of information but it managed to at least get something from observing the islanders behaviour and body language.

One of the islanders, CELLBIT, at one point started attacking it while it in the middle of the game. It was quite surprised that he had managed to get enough courage to try attack it while it had been slightly distracted, focused on finding the remaining hiders. Cucurucho wasn't too "shocked" about this, since it knew that the he had a lot of built up anger that he wasn't able to get out complety due to his trauma and most likely PTSD.

Now, it slowly walked down the white corridor, trying to avoid making it's "injuries" worse than they already were.

It had multiple slash wounds across it's entire body, both from the sword and from the chainsaw. A black, slightly Red substance gushed out of the wounds, maybe a mix of blood and something else. What it was? It didn't know, after all, it created by the host of the island and they had never told it something that would be useless to it.

Some of the workers, who had only a slightly humanoid body, it being convered by the same white fur that convered Cucurucho's body, the only difference between them being the construction worker vest and them having a completely white fur convered face, "looked" at it as it continued to "limp" towards it's office.

Cucurucho knew that they weren't really able to see it, only being able to know it was there by the sounds it made with each step.


When it finally reached it's office, Cucurucho sat down and notified the host that it would be unable to do it's job due to the recent fight between it and CELLBIT. The host didn't question it, only scolding it for it's lack of attetion on it's surroundings and body language of the habitants nearby.

It closed it's eyes, slightly leaving back on the chair. Cucurucho knew that it was making the floor and the chair dirty with it's "blood" but for now, that didn't matter much to it as it decided to clean up when it's wounds had stopped gushing out the weird substance.



A/N - I wrote this at I wrote this at 03:13 am, so if theres any spelling mistakes or something that doesn't make much sense, I apologize.
I most likely am going to sleep right now since I am very tired and will also have to get up early to go to a fair.
( I might write another aftermath but with Cellbit being the main focus. )

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