🚬🧨 A "normal" day 🧨🚬

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SMP: Dream SMP.

TYPE: Hurt No Comfort.

CW's: implied dysphoria(?), mention of and implied past SH.

(A/N: Let me know if there's more CW/TW's!)

Today was another day, just like the others.

Wilbur was currently laying on his bed, which wasn't something unusual. It wasn't for a few years now.

A few years ago he started feeling unmotivated to do what he usually did and loved, like playing his guitar and writting songs. He didn't know when exactly it started, but all he knew is that it had started a long time ago.

When he was younger, he would be talking about things he liked and he would play in their backyard.

Now, these days, he barely even left his room to do anything.

He thought for a while before standing up, he went to the mirror and looked at himself.

He regreted doing that.

His body didn't look right.

His body looked wrong.

His face wasn't right.

He looked away from the mirror, he couldn't stand looking at himself any longer.

He opened his closet and took out a sweater. He didn't waste time in putting it on.

Wilbur sighed.

"Wil!" A voice called from downstairs.

"Yeah?" He answered, going to the door and opening it. He poked is head into the hallway.

"Me and your brothers are going to the mall, do you want to come with us?" The voice, Phil, asked.

"Uhh.. yeah, sure! One second!" He answered.

He grabbed his phone and left his room, going downstairs.

"Let's go now?" Wilbur asked.

Phil thought looked around for a while.

"Yep." He said.


Wilbur opened the door to his room and entered.

He sat in his chair and put his head in his hands. It was almost night now, they had spent a long time outside.

The sleeve of his sweater slid down, showing scars of previous... things, he had done.

He looked at the scars.

'what If I... No' Wilbur shook his head. He was trying to stop, and so far, he doing a good job. He didn't want to ruin that.

'but no one would know...'

He groaned.

He pulled down his sleeve and laid in his bed.

He should try to sleep now, it was late.

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