🧃🍊 Guilt. 🍊🧃

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PROMPT: Guilt.

SMP: Outsiders SMP

TYPE: Angst, Fluff

CW's: yelling, wounds, betrayal (i guess-?)



Owen looked at his best friend, who was laying on the ground currently bleeding out. He was smiling at the state his best friend was in, which was caused by a javelin he had thrown at him.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, for Apo.) The javelin hadn't hit his heart or anything that could make him bleed out faster.

Apo looked at Owen through half-lidded eyes. He noticed his eyes weren't their usual brown color, instead, they were Orange? He didn't remember Owen ever telling him he could do that or anything related to that. He frowned trying to think why his best friends eyes were orange, although he immediately regreted that as it started a small headache.

Owen's eyes slowly returned to their usual brown color.

His smile fell as he noticed what he had done to his friend. The voices were yelling at him, some angry and him, some where confused and others were sad.

He noticed that Apo hadn't passed out or died yet, which he didn't really think about as he immediately went beside his friend and picked him up while trying his best to not move the javelin that was still on his body.

Apo groaned a little, due to the pain that came with moving any part of his body, except his legs.

Owen quickly muttered a small "Sorry" to him.

His eyes were getting slightly blurry with the tears forming. Apo already had tears streaming down his face for a while now.

Owen ran to the way to the Mazes entrance. Thankfully they still had enough time to get there in time, If anything didn't interrupt them of course.

. . .

Fortunately, nothing came or interrupted them on their way to the gates.

Owen looked at Apo's face only to see that his eyes had started to close. He quickly shook Apo slightly to try and keep them awake but at the same time not trying to move the javelin more and risk making his wound bleed even more.

"Stay awake, Apo. We are almost there, just hold on for a little longer." Owen said to Apo, tears had started streaming down his face at a quick pace now.

He didn't receive an answer, but that was okay because he didn't expect one right now.

He shook Apo a little more, just to make sure he didn't fully close his eyes and stayed awake.

"Come on, Apo. Just wait a little longer, we are closer now. Please just wait some more." Owen said to Apo, again, he received an answer.

Owen almost sobbed in relief as he saw the gates.

A few of his friends were waiting for him, or, well them, to come back since it was already starting to get late.

Thankfully Soup was there, Owen re-adjusted his grip on Apo's body.

"SOUP! SOUP!! HELP, PLEASE." Owen yelled as loudly as he could. There were more tears streaming down his face now, and at a much faster pace.

"...Sou-p?" Apo said, sounding confused.

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