!! A/N !!

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[ PUBLISHED ; 20/12/2023(?) ]

Hello, this is the author (obviously)
In case you don't know, i go by Skitts/Vinnie.

Anyways, going straight to the point now.

This most likely will not be updated now, tomorrow or whatever due to personal stuff.

Depends if what's happening rn is actually what I think it is.

I won't be giving too much context as to what it is, just know that it's something related to my friend and that it's about their health.

That is all i wanted to say, good bye for now.


[ UPDATE ; 21/12/2022 ]

So, my friend is alright now.

They gave me quite a scared but they're alright.
(I hope they are-)

Though I probably won't post anything yet? Idk. I have a oneshot in mind, i just don't know how I will write it yet.

MAYBE I will write it soon, who knows- I have to watch a video to write most of it so if I do write it it still will take a while.

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