Chapter Two: Mother May I?

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My voice echoed around the small bathroom as I sang along with the four year old shower radio. I belted loudly, lathering my hair with shampoo.

I had gotten up before Mary to get ready for work. So, just like every other day, I got in the shower. It took me a good 30 minutes to wash and shave and rinse, meaning I gave a good 30 minute concert to the tiles in the shower.

After I had cleansed for longer than I probably should have, I get out and dry off. Normally I would have styled my hair and blew it dry but today I just went with my natural curls. I had to handle Mary most of the day and didn't want to also deal with doing my hair.

I changed into a pair of black skinny jeans with a red blouse. My heels were downstairs so at the moment I only bothered to do my makeup and pull the top half of my hair back.

Once I was done, I head back to my room to see a still sleeping Mary. It killed me to wake her up but I didn't have a choice.

"Mary?" I whisper soothingly, running my fingers through her dark hair. Even though she wasn't biologically mine, and technically wasn't even mine now, we looked more alike than her and Ava. Dark, wavy hair. Pale skin. Tall and slender.

"No." Mary groans, rolling over. I laugh softly and pull the covers back a bit.

"Mary baby we have to go. I've gotta get to work." I whisper in her ear, kissing her temple. "But we're going out to lunch today with Emma if your mommy will let you come." I bribe.

Mary turns to face me and rubs her eyes. "Can I have one of Granny's muffins before we go?" She questions. I nod and scoop her up into my arms. Mary was 8 but she was tiny, allowing me to move her easily.

"You go get dressed for me and I'll go downstairs to get our breakfast ready." I suggest, fixing her hair.

"Okay." Mary agrees and wriggles out of my arms. "Maybe we can say hi to Robin?" She says before slipping off to the bathroom.

Robin. Something about him made my skin crawl. I had told myself I'd never get into a relationship again. Not after what Leo did. And I'd never had trouble with my vows before. But now, I felt like a needed a reminder. Something about Robin was different. But I wasn't falling for it.

The stairs creaked as I walked down to the main floor. The smell of blueberry muffins filled the floor as I turn to enter the large kitchen.

"Good Morning." Ruby greets me, her back turned towards me. I smile and grab a mug from the top cabinet. "So, we have a new guy."

I nod and laugh, pouring a cup of coffee. "we have a new guy." I agree. "A musician. Composer even." I point out.

Ruby spins around, holding a bowl of batter in one hand. "He's a musician?" She blurts out. "Do you think he'll stay?"

Our town was small and didn't have very many musical attributes to it. I was one of the only people who could sing and I never even publicly sang. Having a real musician would sure make a good story for several weeks. Especially the new guy.

"Who?" We both jump to see Robin in the doorway. His voice was rough, like he had just woken up. He was clad in the same pajama pants as last night but this time it was accompanied by a white tshirt. His hair was tousled and stuck out in many directions.

"Nobody." I dismiss, walking around the island that stood in the middle of the large kitchen. "How did you sleep?" I ask, pouring him a cup of coffee.

Just because I wouldn't allow myself to get close to him didn't mean I wouldn't be polite. That had always been a belief of mine.

"Thank you." He nods as he sipped on the black coffee. "I slept well. The B flat worked out nicely, thank you." Ruby raised her eyebrow and I shook my head.

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