Chapter Sixteen: The Breaking Point

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"Regina!" The thickly accented voice of one all too familiar voice of Robin Locksley echoed down the street. "Regina!" He called again as I walked further away. I was frantic. Disoriented. "Regina hey!" Finally I stopped and turned around. Tears welled in my eyes as I took deep breaths. I wasn't disoriented, I was overwhelmed. Robin's expression softened as he caught up to me. "Hey, hey now. What's wrong?" His voice was low and soft. But not what I needed right now. This was only adding to the overwhelmed feeling I had in the pit of my stomach.

I shake my head and take another deep breath. "Please don't give me your sympathy. I'm in no need of it." My voice was rough and harsh but it didn't phase Robin. He only stepped forwards and looked at me.

"Well then let me at least buy you a drink?" He asks and smiles weakly. This man was goofy but strong and firm at the same time. His capacity for love and affection was large, I could see it in his actions. But I had to turn the offer down.

"Before I pick up Mary? In the middle of the day? I don't think so. Have a nice evening, Robin." I say softly as I begin to walk past him. My heart fluttered with every step, images of our first and only date blowing through my mind.

His large calloused hand caught my wrist and pulled me backwards. "Doesn't have to be alcoholic. Maybe a nice Coke? Coffee? Or are you more of a hot chocolate lady?" Robin's warm grin melted the chill that rested deep inside my core. A drink wouldn't be bad. I needed to relax so I wouldn't scare Mary.

"I really can't, Robin." I mutter. I just couldn't let myself do it. I was afraid that id get hurt and even more overwhelmed than I already was. But before I could pull away, Robin pulled me into the diner and closed the door.

"What is the matter with you lately?" He whispers, leading me to the booth in the corner. My coat slowly dropped from my shoulders to the seat beside me but I wouldn't sit. Robin's expression became serious and stern. "Regina, sit down." He growled. His voice made the hairs on my arms stand up so I did as I was told. "Regina," Robin tries again, "what's going on? You've been so distant lately. Did I do something?"

I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair. Robin gave me an overwhelming anxiety as well as a comforting warmth to the cold life I had been leading. It scared me. "I'm fine. You're just being imaginative." Trying my hardest not to give Robin a reason to worry, I look up at him and straighten my shoulders.

But Robin didn't buy it. "No. You're not. Regina please don't hide this stuff. I can tell that something's wrong. What is it?"

And with that, I snapped. "You think you're entitled to know?" I growl. I was irritated that Robin thought he could just poke around my life.

He sat back and frowned, his expression growing darker. "Yes I do." Robin fires back. "Do you not remember our date? You running into me and kissing me? Our little talks? I deserve to know why you've suddenly taken all of that away."

"Taken that away?!" I was shocked. "You act as if I took away a big part of your life, Robin! This was all a mistake! I can't do this! Us! There never even was an us! I've been hurt too many times, Robin." I say a little more calmly. "I can't allow myself to get hurt again."

Robin grasped my hands before kissing the tops of them. "And you think I would hurt you?" He asks solemnly.

"Self preservation, Robin." I mutter, gently pulling my hands away. He sighs and shakes his head.

"What is there to preserve, Regina? Just because Leo hurt you doesn't mean every man will. It certainly doesn't mean that I will." Robin tries to explain. But I wasn't open to persuasion.

"But I'm better off being safe them taking that chance! Robin it's not just about this. It's so much more." My hands covered my face as I took a deep breath. Why was I even explaining myself to him?

Robin pried my hands away, holding my wrists. "Then enlighten me." Three words. So simple. And there were so many explanations.

I'm falling in love with you. It scares me. I'm a mother now. Mary is mine. How can I be sure you won't hurt me? I'm used to being dependent.

"I just spoke with Ava." My voice cracked, my fingers drumming on the table.

"And?" Robin sat forwards in his chair, waiting for me to continue.

"She wants me to take Mary. She wants me to provide for her because I can do better." The words coming out of my mouth didn't even make sense to me. This was all surreal.

Robin sat up even straighter- if that was possible. "Regina." I couldn't quite read his expression and the tone of his voice. "Regina that's... Thats..."

"It's overwhelming and surprising. I can't handle it all. You're just more anxiety on top of everything." I knew my words hurt him and I wish I could take them back. But I just kept going. "I need to find a house. I can't care for Mary in the upstairs of a B&B. I have to settle down. Become mom material. As well as keep Ava healthy and get her out of all of this. I can't have you on the side to worry about. Especially when I can't even think about being in a relationship after what's happened to me." I babble, standing and grabbing my coat.

Robin followed my actions. "So you basically played me? Lead me on?" He asked. My heart sank a little but I kept my walls up.

"No." I say simply. "I let my feelings get in the way of practicality."

With that, Robin reached out and pulled me tight against his body. One of his strong arms snaked around my waist as the other cupped hand my cheek. He kissed me, a feverish and frantic action, both of his hands moving to cup my cheeks.

My hands grasped his collar as I struggled to comprehend my own thoughts. But I couldn't. Not with everything going on at once. Tears filled my eyes as I broke away and turned my back. I briskly walked towards the door, but not before I heard Robin call, "I won't accept this! I'll keep fighting, milady! You and I both know this isn't right! That we have something together!"

At the last second, I turned around and took a deep breath. "Lots of things are right. But you can't always follow that instinct. What's right may also be wrong. It depends on the side you're looking at."

Robin shook his head. "You can't say no until you've given it a try." He reminds me.

A man opens the diner door for me as I try to go. "Why try if there's no possibility?" I call out before leaving the small diner and wiping the tears from my eyes.

A/N: hey Guys! Well... This chapter was interesting, huh? Regina is just IMPOSSIBLE! Please leave comments if you like this chapter! I love reading what you all have to say! Thanks so much!

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