Chapter Fourteen: An Adventure

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Boxes that were filled with Mary's things stacked as high as my chest stood in every little corner of my room. Archie had called and argued over whether I should take the job; and my answer was still no. And to make it worse, Emma canceled on babysitting Mary, causing Granny to watch over Mary while working. I had Ava wanting to press charges on Leotoday and couldn't take Mary with me.

At the moment, Mary was downstairs with Granny, baking little treats and goodies. I was upstairs getting ready for the day. I was in a silk robe with my hair pulled back and my after-shower face mask spending it's last minutes on my skin. Running around like a crazy person, I was trying to find the right bra for my outfit. The weather had finally proven cold enough for pants, especially today. The high here in Maine was a chilly 37 degrees. So, as my first outfit of the winter, I was going to wear black skinny jeans, a black leather jacket and a low cutting red shirt. My black heeled boots with the red outside soles were already sitting at my vanity. But until I found the bra that wouldn't be seen under my shirt, the boots would have to wait.

I cursed myself for leaving the laundry in the dryer as I raced back to the bathroom. After scrubbing off the mask and letting my hair fall down to my shoulders, naturally wavy, i scurried downstairs with my arms crossed over my chest. I slide into the laundry room and grunt, digging through piles of clean clothes. "Ruby!" I call, whirling around and jumping as i met Ruby face to face. "Ruby," I pant, "have you done laundry lately? I was looking for my bra."

Ruby grins. "The black low cut one?" She asks. The fact that she knew my underwear without having me describe it should have worried me slightly but at the moment I just wanted to get dressed. "Yeah it's um... Gee where'd I put it? Oh!" She smiles, leading me into the kitchen. "It should be in the white basket." Ruby pointed to the laundry basket back by the stairs. "I had to move some of your stuff so I could do sheets. Sorry."

I nod before diving into the pile of clothes mi was running late as it was and this bra fiasco wasn't helping me out at all. A chair from behind me scraped the floor before I heard little feet. "Reggie?" Mary stood behind me as I turned. "Reggie I don't want you to go today." She pouts. I hold my bra in one hand as I scoop her up with the other. My lips hit her temple as I sigh.

"Baby I have to. But I promise I'll bring you back something. Mommy really needs me so she can get better." I try to explain. But Mary's expression only saddens.

"Mommy doesn't need me to get better?" She whimpers, reaching for my hair. My breath hitched as I searched for a way to clear things up.

"Of course she does baby! But this is big girl stuff. You know what I think would help? Why don't you draw her a picture hmm?" I hold Mary tight and sigh.

So far, Mary hadn't really asked about her parents. This new time with me was refreshing and relaxing for her. No stress at all. And Ava had made it very clear that she wasn't ready to see Mary. And I was supposed to be the buffer between all of it.

Thankfully, before Mary could answer, the door to the B&B opened. And in walked robin. Great. I was in a silk robe which hugged my body just a bit too tightly. In one arm I held a first grader and in the other hand was a bra. My body froze in shock and so did his. Robin's eyes flicked over my body before shutting tight.

"Oh." He bites his lips and crosses his arms over his chest. "Sorry I just came over to see if I left something. I didn't know-"

Mary gasps and smiles, the sad demeanor she had just possessed went away. "Mr. Locksley!" She squeals, wriggling from my arms. I cross my arms over my chest and swallow.

"I'm going to go get ready. Will you keep her? Thanks." And with that, I scurried up the stairs.


Finally dressed and ready to go, I made my way downstairs once again. Robin sat across the table from Mary as she swung her legs.

"... In school. You see, it's kind of like being polite. Do you ever call Regina 'Ma'am?'" Robin asks. Mary nods, making the older man smile. "See, Mr. Locksley is like that. You don't need to call me that except when you're being polite."

I could hear Mary sigh before she spoke. "But I'm always s'posed to be nice. Reggie is different. She's like my mama." Mary explains. My heart clenches and warms at the same time. Did Mary really think that about me?

"Yes but..." Robin sighs, exasperated. "You can just call me Robin though if you want." He says politely before noticing my appearance. "Hey. Where are you off to?" He asks, standing up.

I shake my head and rub Mary's shoulder. "Hey baby. Maybe you can go watch some tv?" I suggest, patting he back as she skipped out of the room. My attention turns back to robin. Why was he even here? I could barely handle going to press charges with Ava today, let alone the presence of a man.

Robin smiles and clasps his hands in front of him. "Where are we off to on a lovely afternoon like today?" He asks as I go to fetch my jacket. I didn't want to answer his question but I couldn't be rude.

"Ava wants to press charges against Leo. I'm going with her. Sort of a support thing." I explain, moving around the kitchen. Robin watched me with careful eyes.

"I'm going with you." His voice was low, making me stop in my tracks. The last thing I needed was the man I was in fear of falling in love with coming with me on errands.

"No that's really okay." I say politely, shaking my head. "You don't have to do that. We'll be fine." I reach out to grab my keys but his hand overlays mine. My eyes flick up to his as I fought the urge to kiss him. To reach out and run my fingers through his messy hair. I had to tell myself that it would end badly and that I didn't need another problem in my life.

"You don't get a choice. I wasn't offering. I was informing. You're Ava's support but who's your support?" His voice was low so that Mary couldn't hear us.

Anger built up inside of me as his answer sunk in. He couldn't just barge into my life like this no matter what. "Excuse me?" I growl, yanking away.

"I'll be your support. Just like you are for Ava." Robin offers. "And whether you like it or not, I'll be there. It just depends on the car I'll be in." He adds. And it was true. Robin was a strong, stubborn man. There was no way I was getting off that easy.

"Fine." I give in, wringing my hands. "We're late." I toss him my keys and shrug my jacket on. "Start the car."


After being there for support while Ava filed many charges against the man we both despised, I had dropped her off only to be left with Robin. We sat in the car, silent and unwilling to speak. My fingers gripped the steering wheel while my jaw clenched and unclenched. Robin's leg bounced quickly as his eyes kept flicking to look at me. He could tell that I wasn't in the mood for speaking.

I pulled up to the B&B before turning the car off and stepping out into the brisk air. Robin slowly followed, digging his own keys out from his left pocket. As I turned to walk in the front door, he grasped my wrist and pulled me to him.

"Hey." His voice was low and soothing. Every muscle in my body ached to give in but one small part of me kept my walls up and sturdy. "I know today has been a hard day. The past few days have been pretty hard on you and I get it. Just... Don't forget about the rest of the people in your life. One person screwed up, not all of us." Robin whispers. "It's okay to give in sometimes. You can't be strong all the time." Silence. Then a deep breath. "Call me if you need me. You know I'll be here faster than you could hang up the phone." And then it happened.

Robin leaned down to kiss me and all I could see in front of me was Leo in his place. Glaring at me as he held me firmly in place. It was the thing he did every time before being overly harsh and brutal. My heart clenched and my breath hitched. I turned my head to the side as Leo disappeared into Robin. The man in front of me hesitated before planting a quick kiss to my temple and walking slowly away.

A/N: hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I can finally see where this book is going and actually have planned all the rest of the chapters. Thanks to you guys, I have a wonderful idea I never even though of and now it's gonna be in the book so thank you very much! Please leave comments for me to know how you liked it! Also, I'm going on vacation very soon and won't have any wifi😭 so be prepared to not have a chapter updated until Monday or Tuesday...

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