Chapter Ten: Second Chances

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"I don't get it." Emma frowns into her salad bowl as I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. "So, you went over to his new place and had dinner. It was fine?"

I swallow thickly and nod. "Perfect." I squeak.

Emma frowns, shoving another bite of lettuce into her mouth. "I don't get it! If it was perfect, why'd you pull back?" This really wasn't helping.

I groan and cover my face. "I don't know!" I cry out. "I'm scared. I don't want to get hurt again."

A small, gentle hand comes to rest on my back. "Sweetie, you can't wrap yourself up in bubble wrap the rest of your life. You have to experience things."

"But I have!" I whine, my voice muffled by the purple sweater I was wearing.

"I know you have. Much more than anyone ever should. But maybe it's time you start experiencing some good stuff too?" A small whimper escapes my lips as I listen to my best friend's words. "And if this doesn't work, you have my permission to go back to bubble wrap. But I think it'd be healthy. You obviously have feelings for each other." I lift my head to object but Emma cuts me off. "Oh baby don't even argue with me. We all see the way you both dance around each other. How you act around him."

Emma's words did make sense. I hadn't slept at all last night. I kept thinking of this stupid mistake I made. Maybe it was time for me to take a chance. If he wasn't mad at me. Robin hadn't bothered to contact me since my break down.

"Hey." Emma's words break my thought cycle. "Why don't you go run and grab some coffee before your next appointment?" She suggests. "It'll do you some good."

The blonde across from me wipes my tears and sighs. "Maybe you can go check up on the kid too?" She says softly. My heart sinks as I glance at the clock.

"No it's too late." I mutter. Along with the ache for closure over what to do with Robin, my heart was pained by the distance growing between Mary and I. Even those playground visits had kept me from going insane. And I hadn't seen her in about six days. "But coffee sounds good. Would you like something?"

Emma shook her head and stood. "No thank you. I'll be fine. You go have some time to yourself."


I was completely spent. The coffee didn't do much for my body, neither did returning to work. I had three more appointments before being able to drive home. During those appointments, it took everything I had not to let my thoughts wander. I was so out of it.

Robin really do a number on me. He was the only thing that I could think about. Robin really was a nice man. A nice, handsome, polite, loving man. That was interested in me. But I couldn't let go of the fact that I still might get hurt out of my head. What if this relationship ended up with the last? With me getting hurt and being left behind to clean up the pieces.

As of right now, my head was up against the shower wall as water beat on my back. My fists clenching and unclenching. Emma's words rang in my head. "Maybe it's time to let good things happen."

A bang on the bathroom door made me jump. "Regina?" Ruby calls. "I don't mean to rush you but it's been an hour.."

I bite my lips and swallow past the lump in my throat. "Oh. I'm sorry." I turn the knob for the water off and blink a few times. The water on my face couldn't be classified directly as tears or shower water. "I'll be out in a bit."

My damp feet hit the tile floor as I pad to my towel. Quickly drying off, I blow my hair straight and slip my robe on. The door to the bathroom clicked open as I made my way to my closet. I pull on black tights, a gray pencil skirt, my purple sweater from earlier today and my black heeled boots. The wind rattled tree branches against my window, causing me to grab my black coat. I had to get out and get some air. My mind was spinning.

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