Chapter Four: No Longer Yours

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The house was completely silent except for the ever so often creak from the wind outside. Ruby and Granny had left for the set up of the party a few hours ago and Robin hadn't returned from his first day of teaching. It was just me.
I sat in front of my old vanity as I applied a coat of lipgloss to my lips. My makeup and hair were done, all that was left was to get dressed.
Behind me was a long, form fitting, red velvet dress. It had a keyhole neckline that plunged quite a bit. Black lace lined both the hole in the back as well as my keyhole. The material hugged my curves, pooling a bit at my feet.
I slipped into the dress and matching black heels before grabbing my clutch. Mary still hadn't contacted me and neither did Ava. But tonight was Killian's night. I was going to be happy tonight. No exceptions.
Once I was in my car, it only took about 15 minutes to get to the house. Emma's ranch style house was a few minutes from town so that it could be larger in size.
All the decorations were in the back since it was supposed to be a surprise party. I parked in their driveway since it wasn't an unusual idea for me to be over.
Emma walked out of the house and smiled at me. "You look so good!" She gasps as I lock my car door.
"What," I chuckle. "I don't look good every day?"
Killian had arrived an hour ago, really starting everything. Music played as people stood and mingled. Everything was perfect. Emma clung to Killian and he did the same thing as they talked to guests.
I sat at a small table in the corner of their open kitchen, watching the scene unfold before me. The noise of a chair scraping at the marble floor jolted me from my thoughts. My head snapped to the place where the noise came from.
Robin grasped the chair across from me, smiling softly. The sight of him here caught me off guard. He was so unbelievably handsome, it made my heart skip a beat.
What was I thinking? Feeling like this is what gets people hurt. This was the mistake I had made too any times before. I wouldn't let it happen again.
"What... What are you doing here?" I ask, regaining my composition. Robin looked me over before sitting down in the seat he had moved back.
"I could ask the same question to such a beautiful woman." He says charmingly. I blush and shake my head. "Why aren't you out there in the crowd?"
"I asked you first." My voice was low and calm, in no rush to explain my feelings to him.
"Well, I ran into Emma in the street this morning. We talked for a bit and turns out, I know Killian. Old high school buddy. We were great friends. So anyway, she invited me here. And how could I decline? Only problem is that I know no one here except for you." Robin chuckles. "Not that it's a problem."
I purse my lips, tilting my head as I listened to him speak. Usually, I would make a remark on how I didn't ask for an hour long introduction to his life story but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Robin was just so... Different.
"What?" He asks, grabbing two glasses of wine from the counter.
I shake my head and hold up one hand. "Oh no... I'm good thank you." I say politely. "I don't drink." I shake my head.
Robin raises an eyebrow, watching me carefully. "Well in that case," he sets both glasses down again. "Neither will I. Not tonight." Robin winks as another song starts to play.
Both of us begin to hum, making me smile softly. Music. We both had a way with music. It was like an alternative way of communication.
"I have a proposition." Robin says matter of factly. His voice caught my attention.
"You do?" I ask, crossing my legs. "Please do share."
Robin stands and takes my hand, pulling me with him. "Let's dance."
I laugh at his proposition and shake my head, trying to pull away. "Oh no... I don't... I don't dance." I protest.
Robin was in a black suit with a green tie, his hair still ruffled and unkempt. "Good. Neither than I." He pulled me close. "We can keep it simple."
I sucked in a deep breath. I hadn't been this close to someone in so long. His hand pressed against my bare back, his other hand taking mine. Robin smelt like heaven. I don't know what it was. It was almost like a forest but... So much better.
"Oh. Okay." I squeak.
We swayed gently, moving with the tempo of the music.
"So," Robin said lowly after a while. "Tell me about yourself." He insists.
I shake my head. "No that's alright. I really don't think that's a good idea." I say softly. "I don't want to dampen the mood."
Robin frowns and gently squeezes my sides. "No. No tell me, how'd you get into music?"
My heart clenched. Even a simple question like that lead to a devastating story. My eyes shifted away from him and landed in a place I had mixed feelings about.
"Regina?" Robin asked as I stopped moving all in one. "Regina what's wrong?" He whispers.
I shake my head and pull away from his warm embrace. Mary. I had to make sure she was alright.
Soon enough, I stood in front of Ava, my arms crossed. Makeup covered the dark circles under her eyes, making me suspicious.
"What the hell?" I growl, catching her attention. Ava looks up at me, her smile fading.
"I don't understand." She says innocently. Liar.
"Ava, where's Mary?" I bark, pulling her out on the patio. All of my anger had built up in just a split second. I hadn't meant to be so forceful but I was also protective of the only family I had left.
Ava shifts from foot to foot, not answering. My eyes flick to the inside through the window to see Robin watching us carefully. "Tell me why." I growl, trying to calm myself down. "I understand if you wanted some time with her or... Or something." I say calmly. "But you could have told me. What's going on? Tell me. Please. If not because of my relationship with your daughter, do it for you. I thought we were friends and I can tell something's wrong. I can see it. I want to help. Please." I plead, needing an answer.
Ava clears her throat and shakes her head. "I... I think it's a good idea if you don't see Mary any more. I'll pick her up from now on."
My heart stopped and my breath hitching. My face fell. I was no longer allowed to see my baby. My sunshine. And I couldn't do anything about it. I had no claim on her and had no fight against Ava. Tears formed in my eyes as I stumbled back.
"What?" My voice was barely above a whisper. "Why? Ava... Ava please don't do that."
She sighs and shakes her head, not even looking at me. "I think it's best for all of us." Ava says before turning to walk back to the party.
I catch her wrist, pulling her back to me. Tears were openly flowing down my cheeks. "Ava." I beg but she didn't listen.
Ava pulls away from my grasp and opens the door. "That's all I need to say." And with that, she disappeared back into the crowd.
I couldn't move. I couldn't speak or breathe or think.
My poor baby girl. I didn't even get to say goodbye. To understand why I was no longer able to see her. And I couldn't fight for her. I had no legal ties to her. Sure, I had used to be her step mother, but now I was nothing. People would laugh in my face if I tried to fight back. Did she think I hated her? Did she know why I hadn't seen her lately? What if-
"Regina." My thoughts were disrupted by a deep voice. Normally soothing but not any more. "Regina look at me." Robin took my hands and squatted down when I didn't give him a response. "Hey." He whispers, kissing my fingertips. "What's the matter? Where's that pretty smile of yours?"
Nothing. I was absolutely numb.
"Regina." Robin says sternly. "Regina what did she say?" I could hear the panic in his voice as my chest rose and fell quickly under my dress. "Regina answer me!"
I suck in a breath and pull away. "I need to go home." I mutter before turning to leave.
Hands wrap around my waist and pull me back to his warm chest. "Regina." He whispers, trying to calm me down. "Please tell me what's wrong. I'm here to help."
I shake my head, wiping at my eyes. "You don't know a single thing." I mutter. I didn't want his help. I wanted to go home and cry.
"That's right." Robin agrees solemnly, still not letting go. "So tell me. Help me to understand."
And with that, I burst. "She was the only family I had left!" I cry. "Mary was it! That was my life! My sunshine! I've had no one since I was fifteen! And do you know why?" I sob, not able to control myself any longer. "My mother was arrested and locked away for the murder of my father. All because he suspected her having an affair with someone. Which was true. I went into foster care. No one wanted me. No one cared! And for once I thought I had found something in Leo! And he was abusive! An alcoholic! Mary was the only thing I had left and she took her from me!"
I broke into tears as I spewed my life story out to Robin in under five minutes. I was so caught up in being upset that I built up so much anger, overwhelming my body. I fell forwards, collapsing into Robin. His strong arms wrapped around me before I blacked out.

A/N: So.... How'd you like the chapter? I know I know, not my best. I have AP tests and Eocs and finals I've been studying for so I haven't been able to focus on the book. I just felt bad not updating so I wrote a little. Please leave comments and tell me what you think! Thanks so much!

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