Chapter Five: Something Bad

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Robin replayed the events of last night in his head. After I had collapsed into his arms, he kissed me softly, holding me close. Robin swayed gently as he murmured my name. I was a complete wreck.

On the way her had learned everything about my past. I was an open book now. Ruby had to drive us home so that Robin could hold me close.

My parents weren't the best couple. Mother never thought of us as a family. More of her weak little bunch of pathetic leeches. But my father was the perfect man. To me at least. He encouraged me to sing and said he loved it. He held me and gave me everything and more.

My mother began to see other men when I was ten. Of course my father knew, but he didn't say anything. Until she got pregnant. My father went off on my mother and she killed him. Cora claimed it was an accident but it wasn't. She had had a bad record and had been to jail a few times but she had supposedly improved. Obviously not.

Cora went to jail and had her daughter, Zelena. I was shoved into foster care until I was old enough to live on my own. That's where I met Leo. College. We fell in love and got married. Things went downhill fast.

He was abusive and an alcoholic. I will forever have scars physically and mentally from his actions. So we divorced.

After we got home, Robin helped me change and put me to bed.


I woke with an awful headache. All I remembered was the conversation with Ava. My heart sunk as I replayed the scenario.

It had been a week since the party. Since everything in my life turned upside down. I had started back to work a few days ago, trying my hardest not to mix my emotions with the quality of my work.

Tears slowly streamed down my cheeks as I pulled the covers back.
I took a deep breath and I fell back onto the bed. The white duvet puffed up around me, swallowing me whole. Tears pricked my eyes as my mind wandered back to Mary.


I had to get my mind off of everything. I can't just sulk around the house from now on.

Throwing the covers back, I slowly walked into my bathroom. With the shower radio on and louder than before, I took a shower until the water went cold.

I felt numb as I dried off. The pink towel wrapped firmly around my chest as I tended to my hair and face.

I wore a black pencil skirt that hugged my hips and thighs. Tucked into that was a black tank top and a red blouse that was unbuttoned down to my chest. My black heels were nestled in the corner by the door as well as my purse.

As I reached for the knob on my door to walk down to the B&B, my phone buzzed. The text read 'Good Morning, Regina. I left some paper work on the check in desk. If you're still home and don't mind, would you meet me at the coffee shop off of 2nd? I don't have class until later today because of teacher planning. Thank you so much, Robin'

I sigh and shake my head, walking quickly downstairs. Sure enough, there was a stack of papers on the check in desk. Before I went to leave, I heard Granny and Ruby in the kitchen. The smell of apple tarts hit me hard, making a small smile appear on my face.

"You know," I call as I walked into the kitchen. "If you leave it up to me, I'll eat the whole pan before tonight." I joke. Granny and Ruby turn around with smiles on their faces.

"Well good morning to you too." Granny bends down and checks on the oven. "Would you like to stay and have some?" She offers.

"We have coffee and some fruit I think." Ruby adds hopefully. It was rare for them to see me up and ready so early in the past week or so.

I laugh and shake my head. "No thank you. I'd love to but I have a few errands to run before work today." I explain, shifting on my feet. My eyes flick to the huge laundry pile on the dining table. "Are we expecting someone?" I ask cautiously. Fresh laundry, clean downstairs, fresh food. We never had such extravagant meals unless I made them.

Granny boss and sighs. "We have three reservations that should be checking in today or tomorrow." She explains happily. Guests was a big deal here at the B&B. It almost never happened.

"That's great!" I congratulate as I make my way to the front door. "I'll see you later?" I ask before reaching for the papers that Robin asked for.

There was an ad on top for an apartment for sale. It was circled in red with a phone number and address on a sticky note.

Was Robin planning on moving? I understood that living in a B&B for the rest of his life wasn't an option. It shouldn't be for anyone. But something in me didn't want him to leave. It was nice having him around.

"Regina?" Ruby places a hand on my shoulder which made me jump. "You okay? Did you hear me?" She asks patiently.

I quickly grab the stack of papers and turn to her. "Sorry I zoned out. What'd you say?" I ask the young woman.

"It's fine." Ruby nods as she opens the door for me. "I was just wondering if you could drop me at the coffee shop. My shift is in a bit." She purses her lip and shifts a bit.

Ruby was in her third year of college and had a job down at the coffee shop. She was really a sweet girl. She helped her grandmother out here at the B&B.

"Of course!" I agree as I unlock the door. "Let's go."


The shop was crowded but it didn't take me but a few seconds to find Robin. A smile automatically appeared on my lips as I walked towards him. He looked up and grinned, waving me over. His eyes quickly skimmed over my body before landing back on my eyes. This made me blush as I sat down across from him.

"So I see you're moving." I say nonchalantly as I slide the stack his way. He looks down at the papers and smiles weakly. "It's a good neighborhood. You should be happy there." I assure him, sipping at the luke-warm coffee Robin had preserved upon my arrival for me.

"Oh..." Robin nods. "Yeah I was thinking I needed a bit of personal space. That way I wouldn't be self conscious about the music." He explains.

I nod in agreement and cross my legs. "Oh yes of course." I say softly. "So how's work as a teacher?"

Robin sighs and crosses his arms. My heart drops a little as I frown. "Actually I want to talk to you about something." He says lowly. "But please promise me you'll be calm about it all?" He asks me.

"I um.." I mutter, not wanting to promise anything I couldn't keep. By the way Robin was acting, the news he was about to share was pretty serious.

"I'm worried about Mary." My face went pale as my hands automatically began to shake. "She isn't as happy as she was when I first met her. She's not as interactive." He explains, looking down at my hands. "I'm keeping a close eye on her though. I promise." He whispers, taking my hands in his.

Tears were watering in my eyes as he stood and walked over to my side of the table. Robin gently stood me up and wrapped his arms around me. I pressed my head into his neck and bit my lip. "Is she okay? Do you know why?" I croak. What was making her act differently.

"I don't know." Robin whispered into my ear. "I'm not sure. I'm seeing her today okay? I'll see her today." He assures me. "I'll check on her okay?"

I sniffle and pull back, wiping my eyes. "Okay." I whisper. "Thank you."

And with that, Robin said his goodbyes and was back to work. I then spent the rest of the day with my mind on a distraught Mary.

A/N: hey guys! So this chapter was kind of a filler so I could get to the juice. I know this isn't as exciting as Find Me but I kinda like where it's going. Trust me, Robin and Regina get a little more interactive as time goes on. Please leave feedback and ideas for me to use. It's VERY HELPFUL!!!

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