Chapter Eleven: The Call

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Shrieking followed by a quick silence. Then more shrieking.

On a normal day, my 6:45 alarm clock would have made a bad start to the oh-so-early day. But not today. Today I gently turned the alarm off and laid surrounded by warm covers, happy. My silk nightgown clung tight to my body as my fingers worked gently through my hair. Robin had kissed me. And I had kissed him. I had finally let go and slowly began to put my trust in a man again.

Today was going to be a good day.

My feet hit the wood floor as I reached for my phone. Unlocking the device, I selected Spotify and set it to my usual morning playlist. I took a quick shower to freshen up before wrapping myself in a robe and standing cluelessly in my closet. Today I had a 9:00 appointment and I didn't want to be late.

The feeling of strong hands wrapping around me lingered still as I settled for a tight black dress and a red blazer. It was now almost November and the temperature was dropping quickly now, but I just couldn't bring myself to wear pants. Dresses and skirts just seemed so more... Appealing. So, until I just couldn't bare shaving every single day, I would wear a dress.

7:57. Wow, time really did fly. With about 15 minutes left before I had to go, I sat myself down at my vanity and applied my usual makeup. Then, turning my music off and slipping into simple black heels, I began to ascend down the stairs.

I was hoping there'd be no one in the B&B that was up so early but I was wrong. Ruby sat on the couch, quietly watching the morning news as her head perked up at the sight of me. Her jaw went slack as her eyes stared hesitantly into mine.

"What happened to you?" Her voice was barely above a whisper, indicating that we still had guests.

I cleared my throat and crossed my arms. "It's none of your business. I'm just in a good mood today." I explain before grabbing my coat.

"Very." Ruby agrees, making me roll my eyes as I walked out to my car. With 45 minutes left I decided I could stop for a to-go cup of coffee and a muffin from the diner. It'd be good to have something besides oatmeal or whatever Granny had in the kitchen.

I turn off of our street and onto Brooke street just as my phone starts to ring. The monitor on my dash shows the phone number and the contact name. Robin.

My stomach and my heart leaped further up my body, inching towards my throat. Even though I had been thinking about this man all morning, answering the phone was different. What was I to say? I couldn't sound too eager and I most definitely couldn't sound upset. Did I just say-

"Hello?" I answer cheerily, flipping the call to Bluetooth. "Good Morning." My heart was pounding and i could already feel the large mountain of words flowing from my lips. I was babbling.

"Regina." Robin whispers, the tone of his voice not even registering in my mind.

"How'd you sleep? I thought... Don't you have school today?" I ponder, drumming my fingers.

"Regina?" He asked a bit louder. Robin was a bit more persistent which caught my attention.

"Robin?" I swallow. There was pain in his voice. Sorrow. "What's wrong?" The silence that followed my question worried me even more.

"Regina I need you to come down to the school." He says calmly. It took every muscle in my body to not slam on the breaks. My breath hitched as my throat became dry.

"Is everything okay?" I croak, my grip tightening on the steering wheel. "What's going on?" More silence. More time for me to worry. "Robin? Sweetie, is everything okay?" I inquire okay.

A deep, shuttering breath. "Regina.... It's Mary."

A/N: hey guys! Sorry for the really short chapter but I'd like to keep you all on your toes. Plus, who doesn't love a good cliffhanger? Plus, I haven't updated in a while so I though you deserved a little splurge of the action. Please comment and tell me what you think! I love hearing what you have to say!

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