Chapter Seventeen: Reggie and Mary

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My back was to Mary, who sat on the bed coloring a picture in her favorite coloring book. "Reggie?" She asked softly. I was sitting at my little desk looking online at house listings. At the sound of her voice, I diverted my attention from the computer screen to the little girl. She took a deep breath and tried again. "Reggie when am I gonna see mama? Is she still with..." Her eyes were wide. She didn't want to call him anything that relate Leo back to her. Mary knew words like "daddy" or "papa" we're loving words and she all but loved her father. So, I stepped in to save her from any further pain.

"Well little bird," I struggled to find an explanation she would understand. "You know how mama isn't in a good place right now and she has to get better?" Mary nodded, listening contently. "Well mama wants me to keep you. That way she doesn't hurt you? Does that make sense so far?" I ask.

Mary frowns and puts her colored pencils to the side. "Mama doesn't want to see me?" She sniffles. My heart drops as I quickly move to sit next to her. Mary leans into me, allowing me to scoop her up into my arms.

"No baby. No it's not like that. Listen okay?" My voice was soothing. I brushed the hair away from her face. "You remember how you used to stay with mama and come visit me?" Mary silently nodded, trying her hardest not to cry. "Yeah? It's like that. Whenever you want to see her, just tell me. But you're gonna stay with me okay?" Mary nodded again as she clung to my dress. I had just gotten through with the argument I had with robin and was still a little jittery. "Just tell me when you want to see her and I'll make it happen okay? I wanna make you happy and I'm not going to keep you two away from each other."

How was I supposed to explain this situation to someone who still thought Snow White was real? It was so hard to get Mary to understand why everything was happening. And it was even harder to put into words. But I seemed to be getting my point across.

"Hey," I whisper, kissing her head. "When mama gets better, you can even spend the night at her house okay?" I offered. I had no problem with Mary seeing Ava once Ava was better on her own. I knew I wasn't Mary's mother and that her real one would be fine.

Mary nodded happily and bit her lip. "Can we see Mama this weekend?" The little girl asked. "Maybe we can go to lunch? And... And Robin? He's nice, right? He... He will protect us?"

I froze.

Did Mary just ask for Robin to protect us?

My arms tightened around Mary as I tried to figure out what just happened. Had Mary just asked for a man to accompany us to lunch? And Robin, at that matter? Mary had been scared of men, just like I had, ever since my divorce with Leo. Did she really trust Robin?

If she did, I knew I had to support her. This was a big step. Trusting people was good for her. Even if it meant enduring a not-so-pleasant lunch with someone.

"We can ask. Why don't you call Mama first okay? Tell her good night and all." Soft, curly hair runs through my fingers as Mary sits up a bit. "I'm gonna finish what I had going on the computer while you talk okay?" She nodded before crawling up to the top of my bed I handed her my phone and pressed the call button for Ava.

"Mama?" Mary asked as I sat back down at my desk. Several web pages were pulled up and the clock on my device read 8:30. Mary should be in bed soon. Which meant that I would have to be in bed soon, leading to the idea that these house listings would have to wait.

Thirty minutes later, Mary laid on her side of my bed, clutching Mr. Bear to her chest. "You okay baby?" I ask as I sat down on the bed. Mary nodded but it didn't convince me. "Little bug, what's wrong? What's upsetting you?"

The little girl sighed and scooted over to me. "Reggie? Are you like my new mommy?" She asked softly. My hands froze on my lap, my jaw tightening.

"Sweetie... I'm whatever you want me to be. You already have a mama and I know I could never replace her. And you wouldn't want that, right?" Mary shook her head furiously. "But I'll act like a mommy. Baby, nothing is going to change between us okay? I'm still gonna be me. You'll just spend more time with me. Make sense?"

My heart was beating rapidly against my chest. All these questions I really didn't know the answer to. Mary was going through so much and I was upset I couldn't provide more of a security. So instead of dwelling on depressing questions, I decided to distract her. My head turned to my bed side clock and I gasp.

"Mary! It's past your bed time!" I turn back to the little girl and smile.

She returns the favor and huffs. "But Reggie, I'm not tired!" She whines.

I raise a single eyebrow. "You're not?" Mary shook her head and I grinned. "Maybe this will help." And without warning, I reached out and began to tickle her. Mary squealed and thrashed under my fingers. I finally pulled back and tucked her in, kissing her head. "Okay baby. Let's try and get some sleep. We can read our story tomorrow."

Surprisingly, there was no repercussion on arguments. Mary didn't say a single word but instead closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. I relaxed against the high stack of pillows, cradling the upper half of Mary in one arm and letting the other mindlessly run through her hair. Today had been crazy. The adoption frenzy, Robin's argument and the 'interview' with Mary. My mind was reeling as I started to settle down. I decided that tonight I'd fall asleep and tomorrow, I'd deal with my crazy life, starting with asking Robin to lunch.

A/N: hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this little chapter between Mary and Regina. I thought we hadn't seen her doing much as a mother figure. I'm sorry this wasn't anything too interesting or important. I've got new furniture moving in and I'm giving mine to my sister so I have to reorganize. I also am beginning to plan my trips in July. So just a heads up, I will practically be gone the full month of July. So please don't be upset if I don't update that often after June ends. By that time I'm hoping to be starting the sequel to this book so please just hang tight and so will I 😉 pplease leave comments of your thoughts- you know I love reading those! Thanks so much! Oh btw, there is a glitch on WattPad RN where iPads can't add pictures to their stories. I have it on the chapter as usual but it's not showing up... Sorry!

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