Chapter Three: Music Instructor

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Mary's fall break lasted all week. She normally called me once in a while to talk to me. But I'd heard nothing. It was now Thursday, one of the last official days of her break. I hadn't even seen Ava or Mary around town.

Robin could sense something was wrong but I wouldn't share. We hadn't even been in the same town for a week. I barely knew him and didn't want to lay out my life's problems on him.

He had been pretty busy with a piece someone had asked him to compose. When I was home, I tried my best to help him with what I could. It helped me to focus on something other than the pain I was feeling for missing Mary.

With everything on my mind, I was even more stressed for Killian's party. Emma had moved it back to Monday. Killian had to make a stop in NYC before coming straight home.


"No." I shake my head as I pace the small foyer. Business at the B&B had been slow and Robin was the only other person staying here at the moment. It made things easier for him to practice.

My heels click against the wood floor as I peel off my black blazer. The pencil skirt I was wearing rode up every so often, forcing me to pause and pull it back down.

Robin groaned in frustration as he stopped playing. "That's what it says here in the music!" He argues, pointing to the sheet music. "We went over all of this yesterday."

I shake my head and make my way to the old piano Granny kept in the corner mostly for decoration. I set my fingers down on the keys and played gently. "No. Remember we decided on the sharp instead of the flat."

Something about him made me want to press him more. His hands gripped the neck of the cello tightly as we spoke, his heavily accented voice deepening when he got angry. Robin's bright eyes got me going as they stared heatedly at my body, scanning me.

He was an excellent musician. Who was I to criticize him? But something inside of me just forced the continued argument. Maybe it was the thrill it gave me. Seeing him frustrated at my expense, hearing him pay attention to me and only me. His opinion mattered greatly to me.

Robin's eyebrows knit in frustration. We always bickered. The house was constantly filled with our chattering voices. There were multiple times we had to stop in fear we were being too loud even though no one was in the large house with us.

Robin turns to me, his head shaking even more now. "We? I'm the one who is the musician here! It should be my decision." He protests, making me freeze.

His bright blue eyes stared directly at me as if he was monitoring my every movement. Something about him made me crawl and itch. He got under my skin. Something that happened in so long. How dare it happen again?

I let the breeze flow in from the open window before replying. The hairs on my arm stood as I heard the pain in his voice. He wasn't telling me something. Of course, I wasn't telling him things.

"I just thought it might be a better suggestion." I whisper softly, loosing all interest in the conversation.

Before he could retort, there was a knock at the front door. I smile weakly and walk past Robin. "Continue." I mutter, opening the door.

To my surprise, there stood Mary's principle, Belle.

"Sorry, Rubys out at the store." I apologize. "What... What's wrong?"

Belle and I weren't the strongest of friends and we definitely didn't visit each other. I was worried on why she was here. The matter most likely had to do with Mary since she saw her more than I.

"Well..." Belle trails off as she listens intently. We could hear Robin playing in the background. I couldn't help but him the harmony for the melody he was producing. "Who... Is there someone in there?" She asked.

No one was ever at the B&B except for me. Visitors never came in and never stayed more than it took to get to the next town. No one was used to having someone new, especially for a whole week.

"Yes." I reply, really wanting to know what was going on. "His name is Robin. He's a musician." I explain.

Belle frowns and pushes past me, walking into the B&B. "He is? How long is he here? Do you think he's interested in a job?" She ponders quietly.

I sigh, getting frustrated. "Why don't you ask him yourself?" I grumble.

Belle walks further into the parlor, pausing as she entered the room Robin was in. She waited patiently until he was finished with the piece. Belle brought her hands together, clapping widely.

"I don't need your sarcastic claps." Robin retorts, not looking back. "Who was at the door anyways?" He asks as he flips the music over.

"A principle for an elementary school who needs a music teacher." Belle says softly.

Robin jumps as he turns around to examine the new woman. The endpin on his cello scrapes the wood floor, making the hairs on my arms stand up.

"Oh please do excuse my rudeness." Robin apologizes. "It's just been a long day."

I roll my eyes at his charming personality and his deep accent as he shakes Belles hand. She laughs and shakes her head. "It's quite alright." Belle takes a breath before continuing. "Now..."

I push myself up off the doorway, careful as I try not to trip over my heels. "I'm going to go get some water." I mutter. Belle and Robin were already in deep conversation. "Anyone else want some?" I ask. I didn't wait for a response as I walked into the large kitchen.


Their conversation ended up with Robin getting the job. He would start Monday, 'as soon as possible' as Belle had stated.

Robin had gotten a job here. He was starting to make roots here in our small town. And that's not what bothered me most. What bothered me most is that I was bothered by this fact. The fact that he was staying. What should it matter to me?

A/N: I'm so sorry this chapter was, again, not very interesting. But I PROMISE that the next chapter will be better. This is the last kinda boring chapter. The good stuff is yet to come but very close in arrival.

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