Chapter Eighteen: Just a Lunch

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Alarms, showers, breakfast, car rides, good-byes and hugs. All in the time span of about two hours. Now, I was sitting on a park bench thinking about how I could ask Robin to Lunch tomorrow. Ava had agreed, obviously, and now all I had to do was figure out a way to get in touch with Robin. The fact that Mary even wanted him there tomorrow was still making me a little uneasy.

My eyes were closed at the moment, my hands fiddling with my purple sweater. Temperatures had really dropped out here. There was absolutely no reason why any sane person should be sitting outside. Which is why I was left alone in the once crowded park. The air around me shifted and I sighed.

After another moment of silence, I said, "you're not as unnoticeable as you think." My voice was sharp as my heart rate sped up.

Robin chuckled. "I wasn't necessarily trying to be unnoticeable. But if you'd like me to leave..."

I open my eyes and shake my head, looking forwards. "No no. That's not necessary." I could tell that Robin was watching me intently. Drawing in a deep breath, I sneak a glance in his direction. "What are you doing here?" Taking another glance in his direction, I cleared my throat. "Instead of work, I mean."

"I'm half time. I've been hired by the Maine Symphony Orchestra." Robin explains, watching me carefully. I still didn't look at him.

"Hired?" I ask.

"They needed a Prime Cellist. They contacted me. I've been hired, yes." Robin explains, folding his hands in his lap. My breath hitched as I slowly turned to face him. A small smile crept onto his face as our eyes met.

"Congratulations." My voice was soft as I spoke. My mind was racing with ways I could ask Robin about the lunch date tomorrow when my nerves took control. "I have a favor to ask of you." I blurt. Robin smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Mary... She wants to have lunch with Ava tomorrow and wants you there for... Support. We're all going to the diner. But if you're busy, we totally understand."

Robin took a second to reply, carefully watching me. "So a date?"

I coughed and my eyes went wide. "Um... No. Just lunch. As friends. For Mary." I explained after I had gotten myself under control. But Robin didn't buy it.

"Mmhm." His eyebrow was raised in questioning as I bit my lip to hold back from speaking. I could feel heat rush to my cheeks as Robin stared me down. "Okay. What time and when?"

My body relaxed just a bit. I could reach out and let my finger tips brush his lips, his smooth skin, his silky hair. Gosh, his hair. I could spend days playing with it. But I couldn't. I wouldn't. I had to stay strong. I was sure in my mind that I had made the best decision for all of us. And if I was sure in my mind, I was sure in my heart. Right?

"12:00. Granny's diner." I reply, tearing my eyes away from Robin. I could tell he was having his own arguments inside his head, just as I was. If we were both so conflicted why couldn't I just-

No. I had to stay strong. I had to do this for me. For Mary.

"See you then?" Robin nodded, our eyes locking as I slowly stood. "Keep warm." Was my goodbye as I stalked slowly back to my car.

A/N: hey guys! I have been SWAMPED lately! Birthday plans, parties, trips, studying.... The list just keeps going! So this is sort of a filler chapter, not really my best but I wanted to give you all something. And WattPad is having some difficulties so I apologize if the picture I normally add to the story is missing. Please feel free to leave comments and tell me what you think! Thank you!

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