lunar <3333

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with lunar and y/n



lunar: yes y/n?

y/n: hides behind lunar eclipse.

lunar: oh okay!

eclipse: y/n~

y/n: you tell him anything on where i am and i swear to god. hides even more from eclipse

lunar: okay!

eclipse: oh hello lunar

lunar: hello brother!

eclipse: do you happen to know where y/n is?

lunar: mhmm nope! havent seen them today

eclipse: are you lying?

lunar: no? why would i lie

eclipse: lunar you know lyings bad.

lunar: i know! but im not lying

y/n: lunar you little sh-t dont you dare say anything.

lunar: oh! brother i think sun is talking with them actually

eclipse: is he now?

lunar: mhm!

eclipse: leaves to see sun

lunar: you better be happy i saved you just then! what did he even want?

y/n: he just wanted to help with killing more kids

lunar: oh. well you better repay me with something!

y/n: like what?

lunar: hmm

lunar: like maybe some..

lunar: help on a game!

y/n: what game?

lunar: *insert your favourite horror game*

y/n: oh sure im a pro at it

lunar: oh yay!! come on lets go!!!

y/n: okay!


and then they played it and y/n taught lunar how to play it


A/N: if its like this then its in theyre minds, like this then its what theyre doing, if its like this theyre whispering.


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