moon date~

372 7 12

tws for:
kinky shit,
abit of degradation

y/n was peacefully sleeping, that was until moon woke them up "starlight~ its time to wake up~" he said, gently shaking them "mm.. noo.." y/n said covering themselves with the blanket while facing the other way

"c'mon~ ive got a surprise for you~" moon said kissing their head "what surprise.." y/n said facing moon, yawning "youll see~ but you need to wake up~ ive picked an outfit for you" moon smiled then got up

"ill be in the kitchen" he said then left, y/n then sat up and rubbed their eyes, once they got up they walked to where moon put the outfit "oo~" y/n smiled and picked up the outfit then went to the bathroom to get ready

*this is your outfit btw*

moon was making the two breakfast, pancakes with [whatever you like] once he finished he placed the plates on the table and sat down, wating for y/n

y/n left the bathroom and went to the kitchen "morning darling" y/n said smiling and sat down "morning~" moon and y/n started eating

once the two finished eating moon put the plates in the sink, "you ready for your surprise?~" moon said looking at y/n "mhm!" y/n said happily as they got up, "c'mon then~" moon said taking y/ns hand and left the house

moon took them to a hill with a picnic set up "woahh.." y/n said looking about, "this is so cool!~ you did this just for me??" they said as moon sat down with them "of course i did my love~" moon said and kissed y/ns cheek

*this is what it looks like*

"this looks amazing, thanks moony~" y/n said leaning their head on moons shoulder "no problem~" moon said wrapping his arms around their waist, moving them in front of him and hid his face in their neck

it was quiet for a couple minutes until y/n spoke "so we are here for the whole day?" they asked "if you want to~ i do have other things planned tho..~" moon said muffledly "oh, what else do you have planned?" y/n asked

"youll see~" moon said muffledly as he slowly moved his hands to their thighs, "love what are you doing?" y/n asked "nothing nothing..~" moon said kissing their neck and moved his hands closer to their [🐱]

moon gently bit y/ns neck, not leaving a hickey "ah~" y/n moaned and covered their mouth "ah ah ah~ naughty~" moon said moving their hand and bit their neck harder, leaving a hickey

"ah!~" y/n moaned louder "there it is..~" moon mumbled and continued biting y/ns neck and leaving hickeys, and moved his hands down their skirt, y/n quietly gasped

"whats wrong darling?~" moon said as he moved his hand away and moved his head away from their neck, y/n whined slightly when he moved his hand, "n-nothing~ y-you can continue~" y/n said and tried moving moons hand back down their skirt

"ah no~ i dont think you deserve it~" moon said moving his hand away and crossing his arms, y/n looked at him "why..?~ ill be good i promise..~" y/n turned around and faced him fully and moved onto his lap

moon moved his hands to their hips, "hmm~" "please moony..~ ill be good..~ i promise..~" y/n whined again "fine fine~" moon said as he moved one of his hands back down their skirt "t-thank you..~" y/n said

{skipping this- no they did not fuck-}

"i love you starlight~" moon said as he layed down with them, "i love you too moony~" y/n said cuddling him, moon played with their hair

okay im done- im getting too carried away rn- anyways yeah thats all :D
requested by: Mince_Sooshi

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