moon and y/n <3

646 8 12

"starlight~ come on~" moon said rushing y/n, "im coming, im coming!" they shouted as they ran downstairs, "yeah?" they said looking up at him. "go get changed into something comfortable but also nice~" moon said looking down at them then smiling.

"alrighty?-" y/n said as they turned around and ran up the stairs. hmm something comfortable but cutee- what do i do??? they thought looking through everything they have.

eh- this will have to do- they thought picking out the outfit then getting it on, do i do my makeup? nah- ill just paint my nails going along with the theme.

eh- this will have to do- they thought picking out the outfit then getting it on, do i do my makeup? nah- ill just paint my nails going along with the theme

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black leggings with a light blue hoodie

black leggings with a light blue hoodie

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make up:

galaxy themed nails

"done! lets go~" they said running downstairs to moon jumping into a hug once they saw him.

"hey moony!" "hey starry~ you look beautiful" he said then kissed their forehead y/n giggled, "so? where are we going?" they asked.

"come with me then youll see~" moon said putting his hand out for y/n to grab.

"alright?" they said confused as they grabbed it. moon dragged y/n outside and to a park.

"woah.. this place is so beautiful.." y/n said as they sat down moon sitting next to them, "not as beautiful as you love~" he said then kissed their cheek.

"you did all this yourself? why?" "why not? you deserve the best love~" "but didnt you overwork yourself? i dont want that

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"you did all this yourself? why?" "why not? you deserve the best love~" "but didnt you overwork yourself? i dont want that." "no i didnt~ guess what? theres supposed to be shooting stars! i thought you might of wanted to watch them with me." moon said laying down pulling y/n with him making them giggle.

"of course i would love to watch them! but theres a roof over us? how will we see them?" they asked confused.

"here" he said getting up and grabbing y/ns hand taking them up with him.

"we can sit here" he said walking over to somewhere else and sitting down putting them on his lap.

"you really set all this up for a little shooting star watching huh?" they asked then giggled looking up at the stars

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"you really set all this up for a little shooting star watching huh?" they asked then giggled looking up at the stars.

"why wouldnt i? you deserve the best starlight~" "yeah yeah youve already said that" they said then smiled slightly looking back at him.

"yes darling?" he asked "nothin' youre just- amazing.." they said leaning the back of their head against his chest.

"youre amazing as well" he said as he started playing with their hair.

"look!" y/n said sitting up and pointing to a shooting star.

"make a wish" moon said pulling them back so their leaning against him again, they mumbled their wish and smiled afterwards.

"what was it darling?" he asked looking down at them.

"you dont get to know! or else it sont come true!" they giggled.

"really? that could be a myth you know~" he said playing with their hair again.

"and? even if its a myth you still dont get to know!" they said.

moon then got up taking y/n with him and went back to the other place and layed down with them.


"no- im not tired.." y/n said holding in a yawn.

"i dont care, sleep."

"fineee" they said then cuddled into moon.

"fineee" they said then cuddled into moon

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like that~

moon then continued to play with their hair to help them fall asleep.

"mm~ i love you moon.." they said as they started drifting off.

"i love you too starlight~" he said then fell asleep moments later.




S.A.M.S/E.A.L.S (+ bm) x y/n stories! {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now